I noticed Sunset's mood change and after a few minutes walked out of the house after telling Flare that we were still discussing her possible job. I heard what Flare said and it made me scared that Sunset was questioning which was more important. Our relationship or the job with Flare. 

I stood up and walked out finding Sunset sitting on the porch. "Sunset?" I walked to her and sat down next to her. "You okay?" She was quiet for awhile and leaned her head on my shoulder. I grabbed her hand and held it tight. "Sun.." 

"Flare wants me to choose between you or the possible job. I don't you to leave me but I don't want you to feel trapped by someone I call family. This has me questioning everything now. It makes me wish that I chose a different life but at the same time it makes me sad to think of a different life."

I started to feel sadness and anger and tensed up making Sunset notice my sudden change in mood. My anger wasn't directed towards Sunset it was towards Flare. Flare is like family to me also but she can't pressure anything on Sunset. "She's making you choose right? Choose what makes you most happy." I stand up about to walk into the house.

"Why are you upset? I was going to choose what makes me happier but I've never had a job before so I don't know if I'd be happy with it or not." I stood there waiting for her to get to the point. "Can I try to job first before I decide?" I turn around glaring at her. WE are supposed to make the choice together not one person tries it and the other sits there worrying so much that she can't do anything until she knows the other is alive!"

She stood up and walked towards me. "Twilight calm down it was just a suggestion." She tried to hug me but I stepped back away from her. "You lost the right to touch me since you can't choose right now. In fact how about I make it easier and just go back to Equestria!" 

I started crying with anger. "Why are you angry at me I didn't do anything Twilly. I'm just confused." She tried to hug me again making me push her away from me. "I'm not angry at you I'm angry with myself and with Flare! Now leave me alone!" I walked into the house and to our room and started grabbing my stuff.

 "Twilight stop." Sunset walked in and started taking this out of my bag. "I'm trying to do the right thing dammit!" I walk past her into the living room forgetting everyone was in there. "I don't care what you're trying to do. Your choice should have been obvious Sunset Shimmer!"

"You step into my shoes and realize how hard this is! I have to choose between my old family and my new family! I love them both dammit!" I started crying even more and started shaking.

"I understand that Sunset! I'm not stupid I was a star student going through school! I'm a princess in Equestria! I gave that up for you! I gave up my life that I loved so much for you! I left my friends and Family for you and you can't even choose between a job that could kill you and me who loves you and has been there since I met you!? Why should I even try to make you realize this!"

I waited for her to say something back only to have her go silent. I shook my head and tried to walk back to my room only to have Sunset grab me struggling to hold me down. "Sunset Shimmer let me go dammit!"

"No! The second I let you go I'll lose you forever! I'm not going through that again!"

Trixie's Pov:

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