user back in service

Start from the beginning

because you are the first boy that i truly loved.
and whenever i look at you, i feel like i finally
understand the concept of love.
for you are my first love,
therefore, i will forever — somehow love you.

a tear rolled down his cheeks, his heart was aching. she still loves him— even after him telling her to go, to leave, to find someone better.

and it made him realize — that he really did love her. sure, she isnt chaeyeon, but she is most definitely enough for him.

he missed her — so much. he missed hugging her, kissing her, just looking at her. whenever she'd come over to sleep over, and when he'd wake up before her, he'd always stare at her — paying attention to all the small details on her face which made her beautiful.

daniel spent a week thinking — whether this was what he wanted. to live a life, with hyemi, adopting more and more cats as they grow older, to be happy — to be in love.  and at the end of the week, he finally realized — he did want that life.

he has met so many other girls through tinder, and none of them stood out like hyemi. none of them understood him like hyemi. none of them were hyemi.

he realized that hyemi and chaeyeon were two different people; and after going through almost everything with hyemi, he fully understood that he was in love with her. not the idea of her, but everything about her.

hyemi wouldve done anything to get daniel back and he would do the exact same. because after calling things off, he hasnt been living properly either. he went to classes though, but he'd always end up crying at the end of the day.

because everything reminded him of hyemi. just like how everything reminded hyemi of daniel. the moment daniel re-activated his line back, and looked through the messages, he felt like as if it was meant to be, you know?

hyemi 💞

what i said was a lie,
it was all a lie.
when i told you to go,
it was a lie.
please dont go. |

daniel quickly back-spaced everything. he knew that it wasnt right. hyemi spent sleepless days, texting him long unsent messages. it was unfair. he felt like he should do the same.

hyemi 💞

when i told you to go, it was a lie.
please dont go, no matter how
many times i yell at you,
i can never be angry at you.

it took me a week, hyemi.
it took me a week but
i finally understand.
i love you, hyemi.
i dont love anyone else.
i want you and only you.
i dont know what i can do
to make you trust me but —
please meet me so we can talk.

i want to see you again, hyemi.
everything i do reminds me of you
and i always end up crying — knowing
that i lost you.

it was a mistake, hyemi.
letting you go, was the biggest
mistake of my life.
i love you, hyemi.
you're the only girl that i want
my heart to be with.
no one else.
not even chaeyeon. |

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