Chapter 3 - The Lie

Start from the beginning

"Maybe you should throw in a bikini wax as well." Marissa laughed heartily. "You never might meet someone interesting out on your tour. Maybe just a good lay. I've read the book reviews, both men and women alike love the book."

Sighing heavily, "Do we have anything else to talk about hun? How are the kids and Donovan?"

"What about that handsome agent of yours? Radly Bradley? He seems really nice...good job, easy on the eyes...looks like he's got a nice giftwrapped package in those pants."

"Marissa! Get a hold of yourself or you're gonna need to hump Donovan the minute we get off this phone. You two cannot afford any more kids."

Noelle did her best to deflect Marissa's comments, but she was relentless.

"You are gorgeous Noelle. Bradley is handsome, are you turning a blind eye to what is being served up right in front of you? Plus he takes such good care of you on your travels."

"For gods sake Marissa that's his job."

"Ooooh wait child...has he already been servicing you out on the road?"

"Lord Marissa you talk like I'm a table that needs bussed or my oil needs changed."

"Maybe not but your chassis needs lubed. But seriously Noelle, have you two hooked up already frolicking around on your tour? If not, it might be a good way to WD40 those sugar walls."

"Really Marissa...really? Look I'm gonna go."

Noelle was starting to feel bad about herself and that took a lot. Not that Noelle was conceited. No. In fact, she was just so thoughtful of others and confident in her abilities. Truth be told, with the holidays coming made her miss him.

Marissa took a more serious tone. She sensed that her comments may have gone too far, which she sometimes had a tendency to do, but she also wanted the very best for Noelle. She was the sister she never had.

"You do know I'm right because all you got is 'really' for me. You know I'm right love. I may tease you to death but I just want to see you happy and with someone you enjoy, happy and screaming your lungs out hanging from the rafters because of earth shattering orgasms and some babies Noelle."

Marissa heard a sniff on the end of the line and her tone became even more loving.

"We just need to smother those thoughts you have about Jack. We need to extinguish that torch you're carrying for him with a brand new flame...your 4EVER remember? I'm gonna come over."

"Don't...just dont. I'm just tired and worn out from traveling. I need to be alone and relax. I don't want to talk about anything ok?"

Marissa wanted to make Noelle laugh. "Are you sure?"

"I am. If I was up to socializing I would tell you."

"Ok please just know I'm here alright? You know I mean no harm. I love you Noelle."

"I love you to."

"Well I love you so much I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna do because I know I upset you."

"You didn't honest."

"I'm gonna lend you my man."

"What? Oh honey I'm not into freaky stuff like that...Donovan is your husband..."

Marissa was howling, "Oh no honey not Donovan I mean Prince baby. You just feel free to you know...take care of your business with that Rolling Stone magazine."

"Oh my god you are..."

Noelle's other line beeped in and it couldn't have happened at a better time. Pulling her phone back to view the caller i.d., it was Bradley.

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