it's a wonderful life

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i've always been grateful that my big, loud, eccentric, and loving family celebrates the holidays together. weeks before the party, aunt viola has my cousin zak put up the neighborhoods' most festive christmas lights. the rest of the aunts spend hours the night before the big day baking, mixing, and seasoning while the uncles stay out of their way.
then, just like the year before, we pile through the old turquoise door, 15 or 50 minutes late. as each member of the dark-eyed clan walks inside, the rest of them shout warm welcomes through a mouthful of food.
as the night slows down, we disperse across kitchen chairs, love seats, recliners, and couches. i usually find myself seated on the fireplace; it's just enough room for one and it keeps me comfortably warm. i see my beautiful, long-haired cousins and sisters with their chisel-chinned boyfriends and husbands lounging on the L-shaped couch next to me. they all laugh together and stop only occasionally to look deeply into their lovers eyes.
im drawn away for a moment when a tiny hand falls on my own and i see my niece reaching her tired arms up, telling me she wants to be held. no longer does the fire keep me warm, but she does as i hold her close to my heart. suddenly, i'm glad there is only enough room on this fireplace for one.

the meaning of greenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang