day 1 -part 2-

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Tords P.O.V
I walked into edds apartment as soon as i did edd ran over to me and wrapped his arm around me, and started sobbing, i let him and hugged him back
" edd... What happened?"
"I-its j-just tom..."
"... He's not drunk is he?"
"N-no but he's in a- a really b-bad mood..."

Oh dear
Tom in a bad mood is almost as bad as breaking one of Matt's mirriors in front of him. I sighed and walked into the kitchen with edd clinging onto my arm, i swear its like he thinks I'm his pillow!
Tom glared at us he stood up and screamed at edd
"Stop being such a baby edd! You can't hide behind tord and Matt your whole life!"
"... Yes i can "
God i felt so bad for edd, me and edd were toms targets
Right now i wasn't in the mood to take any of toms crap
" yeah right! Tords to weak to even defend himself!"

Anger voice: did he just? Oh no he D I D N T

I tried to hard but i couldn't fight it I got in toms face, my eyes turning a blood red
" call me weak again Thomas and i'll take one of Matt's knifes and shove it in your chest!" I screamed at him
Tom already knew to stop, when this happened it was never a good idea to keep pushing my anger.

Eventaully I calmed down.
Matt arrived and edd started cooking
What a wonderful way to start the day.....
Sorry if the chapters are short >~<

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