day 1

123 3 0

Tords P.O.V
Morning, great, why do i have to wake up?

i thought to myself, i rolled out of bed, litteraly I hit the floor because i rolled
I didn't care though, i stood up and threw on some cloths on, then looked at the clock

8:00 AM
I groaned, edd always had us meet in his apartment at 8:00 to eat, to be honest, im glad, he seems to be the only one that can cook, I also liked the smell of his apartment, being... Half of whatever i am most my senses are a lot stronger, but its fine
I didn't really care,
Then of course....
They came back

Worried voice: h-hurry up! We're gonna be late! T-tom and m-Matt are gonna b-be so mad!

Angry voice: WHO CARES

suicide voice: it doesn't matter... No one cares about you, you worthless piece of trash!

I simply ignored them, i wasn't in the mood to listen to their bull crap
I stumbled into the bathroom and picked up the dried, blood stained blade that sat there
I stopped at six, six cuts on my arm, i washed of the blood, i had cut my arm so many times i could barley feel it, unless you hit it, but otherwise, i couldn't feel any thing in the arm, i set the blade down and pulled my sleeve over it, i fixed my hair a bit then left my apartment room, and stumbled over to edds as slowly as i could.

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