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y/n woke up to of the sound of birds chirping outside,
and the faint glow of the sun that escaped past his curtains.
it was a beautiful sound,
and her sleepy smile only grew while the birds outside continued singing their songs.
the only sound better than this was of the voice next to her,
"good morning."
his raspy voice coated with sleep greeted.
"good morning."
y/n returned,
letting his steady breathing calm her.
y/n had never felt so at peace.
her being here with mike had ceased every raging thought within her mind.
"we should get ready,"
he suggested.
"i don't have clothes."
"mm, yeah..let me look through nancy's stuff."
y/n looked up at him,
realizing his eyes were still closed and he hadn't moved an inch.
laughing softly,
she moved back to her previous position to his chest and allowed the time to slowly pass by them.
it wasn't until his alarm rang out that y/n jumped,
hurrying to turn it off.
out of pure habit,
she stood still and listened out for the thundering steps of her awakened mother.
but as she reminded herself of her surroundings,
she realized there was no threat.
"relax, would you?"
he laughed,
rubbing the top of her head playfully then rising to his feet.
he stretched out loudly,
and allowed his shirt to lift where his back muscles were at view.
y/n smiled to herself,
rolled her eyes,
and watched as he left the room.
mike was sure to close the door completely behind him.
y/n then got up,
stretching quietly herself.
she pranced around the room with a giddy smile,
looking at the posters on his wall in depth.
"here. does this look okay?"
he asked once he came back in,
handing her the teen girls clothes.
"yeah, this should do."
she nodded,
hurrying to get ready seeing as they were almost late to school.
she slipped her shirt off over her head,
replacing it with clean one,
then peeled the jeans from her legs to fit nancy's.
when she turned around to meet mike's gaping stare,
she blushed furiously.
how could you forget he was in here?!
"i-i'm sorry! i'm so not used to having company!"
she quickly apologized,
sinking her teeth into her bottom lip.
mike shook his head as though to dismiss the situation,
but his wide eyes told her otherwise.
his cheeks were painted crimson,
"i-i'll be in the bathroom."
he mumbled while running off.
y/n sat on the edge of his bed,
then ran her hands through her hair nervously.
she was embarrassed.
she had half a mind to run out in the hall where the bathroom laid,
but she knew better than to risk their secret.
a soft knock came from the door,
and y/n jumped to meet it,
she whispered.
he returned with a light tone.
she smiled at the sound of her name from his tongue.
it was sweet,
it sounded as though it belonged to leave his lips.
when she opened the door,
he entered and quickly closed it behind him,
but leaned against it with a shy smile.
"i apologize for the whole undressing thing."
"don't worry about it. accidents happen."
and as they stood there,
letting their soft giggles fill the room,
she couldn't help but stare at him in awe.
she liked mike.
and she liked him a lot.
"and that class, is what newton's laws are!"
the teacher spoke loudly,
startling the half asleep class.
will whispered from beside her.
she turned her head to meet his gaze,
and sent him a soft smile.
she never realized how close that sat together until now.
"you okay? you look tired."
he asked.
she was tired.
she couldn't sleep the night before.
but how could she?
she was laying next to mike wheeler.
her godsend.
"yeah! yeah, i'm fine. just..was up all night working on homework."
will nodded in understanding,
but let his eyes linger on her and her ethereal being.
he had never seen a girl quite like y/n,
and suddenly she was all will could think about. 

the group decided to make plans for after school to play their favorite game.
but y/n had other plans:
she needed to keep her grades up after all.
new friends didn't excuse her from the duty of being a student.
"you wanna come with us?"
the curly headed boy asked,
poking at her shoulder teasingly.
she smiled and lowered her head with a sigh,
"i'm sorry, i can't. i have so much homework."
mikes face dropped for a split second,
and y/n wondered if he was disappointed in having to part ways with her.
but it soon lightened up again,
"just do it at my place."
y/n laughed,
"you're impossible."
mike only shrugged to her playful banter,
"what? did you think you could get rid of me?"
"yes, i so desperately thought so."
she giggled and sent the rest of the group into short laughs.
"well, you're not that lucky,"
he teased.
"tell me about it. but, i'll be there."
"you have to roll seven or higher!"
lucas yelled,
growing frustrated by the second.
y/n looked up from her math textbook and smiled softly once her eyes met with mike's.
he returned her smile but quickly tuned back into his game.
she soon finished the homework and rose to her feet only to sit adjacent to the concentrated boys,
being sure not to mess them up.
y/n then looked at the time,
and felt her heart sink.
she had to leave.
after days of being gone from the house,
she was sure to endure the anger of her mother.
"i've got to go."
she sighed,
grabbing her tattered bag.
"you don't wanna stay over again?"
mike asked.
everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at them,
eyes wide and full of surprise.
"stay over? again?"
dustin asked with a taunting grin.
y/n's cheeks grew a light shade of pink,
and so did mike's.
"i've got to go!"
and with that,
she hurried out of the door with the roaring laughter behind her.
as y/n entered the broken household,
all the good energy she held within her was quickly drained,
with the wind.
"where have you been?"
her mother asked with a certain falseness to her tone that y/n knew all too well.
"she's always at the library."
her mother laughed to the social worker across from her.
it wasn't anything new.
they needed to check up on her.
to make sure she was happy and well cared for.
and she wasn't.
but the moment she let her guard down,
they were sure to ship her away.
"sorry! i lost track of time,"
y/n lied as she stepped into the kitchen.
her mother smiled that evil smile that made y/n's skin crawl.
"oh! don't let it happen again, honey. i was beginning to get worried."
she lied straight through her teeth.
"nice to see you again y/n."
the social worker spoke with a warm smile.
y/n nodded,
and with that,
she was sat down with a government worker and forced to lie.
forced to lie about a damned mother she hated.
forced to lie about her wretched life.
forced with her harsh reality.
y/n laid in bed that night,
staring at the ceiling with a soft smile.
all she could think about was mike.
mike wheeler.
m-i-k-e w-h-e-e-l-e-r.
y/n wheeler.
she smiled at the sound of that.
it sounded better than y/n l/n.
she liked it.
matter of fact,
she loved it.
it fit perfectly.

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