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You and Milo was just about to walk inside the dog illsle to pick out a dog but you ended up going to the bunny isle *uh wth is you doing the dog isle is over here*Milo said.see the thing is Milo doesn't like rabbits for some reason idk.*picks up a white one*Milo:ok we ready to go*goes to the cashier*you:*bring it to the cashier*
Milo:yo what you doing you not getting it negative uh uh
You:pweas*sounding like a baby*
Milo:*talking to cashier*aye can you give me the papers for the bunny please
Cashier:*gives it to him*
You:yay thank you baby
Milo:u welcome baby girl.

3hours later
*Milo doing a video with Bambi*

*It's the rabbit *

Hey y'all  if y'all want to see how it went with the rabbit and Milo just go to Instagram and search MILATOX

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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