Chapter 24

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Nami's lips began to quiver. This couldn't be happening. Was she hearing correctly? Her eyes became watery. Was she crying? But why? Her body then started to move and her arms wrapped tightly around Namis' waist. "Why....did you not tell me this?"

He hugged her back and played with her hair. "I knew you weren't interested in me. And hear I thought you would end up with Law. Ha, I'm so wrong." His eyes felt wet. But he didn't care if she saw him like this. He finally said it. No more hiding stuff from her. It actually felt good to let it all out. "Hey cheer up. I'm just happy you found someone that makes you happy." His thumb approached her right eye and he wiped the tears.

He let go of him and let out a huge sigh. "I'm surprised you were so calm when I wrote to you about it."

He laughed. "I was crying my eyes out."

"I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize."


"So about Zoro and all-"

"Do not say it."




"'re jealous of Kuina huh?"


Zoro placed the rose on the sand. He put the bouquet aside and removed his shoes and katanas from his waist. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and let the breeze past by him. After a few long minutes, he opened them and gave out a chuckle.

"You know you got me into this habit of talking to myself, you know that right?" He was talking to her. She wasn't technically there. She was in heaven. But he knew that she could hear every single word he would say. "I missed you a lot." He scratched his neck. "I was pretty busy which is why I haven't spoken to you in a long time. You're probably wondering why I'm here and what this place is. Well it's just a place that Nami loves and hasn't been to in a while. Why are we staying here this long? Because we want to see her happy." His ears turned pink from the thought of her. "So I found her. That special someone. It's Nami." He stayed silent. He wish she was here so she can actually say something. He sighed. "Well I got you this rose and" He chuckled. "you hate it but it doesn't matter." He slowly walked towards the water and threw the rose there. It soon started to float away. "I'll see you on the other side. One day."

He picked up his katanas and put his shoes on and stuck his hands in his pocket. He stopped and his eyebrows began to furrow. Luffy had a huge smirk on his face. Zoro couldn't believe it. "I knew someone was following me. Why are you even here?" He asked his captain.

The straw hat shrugged. "We heard you were going to talk to some girl named Kuina. We wanted to make sure you weren't cheating on my navigator."

Zoro froze. Then he chuckled. Then he laughed. His laughter grew even more. He was literally clutching his stomach. He then stopped, let out a few deep breaths and sighed. "Are you stupid? And why is Law and Lauren here too?"

They popped out of the bushes and nervously scratched their necks. A finger pointed straight at Zoro. Luffy seemed mad. "Hey don't change the subject!"

He groaned and started to explain. "To make it simple, Kuina is dead."

Long dragging 'ohs' came out of their mouths. But Lauren stomped her feet and wiggles her finger side to side. "But this could be your dead girlfriend who you actually love more than Nami!"

More groans came out of the swordsman. "Oh my god." His footsteps were very heard and he seemed even mad. He shot his hand to the water. "You were here this whole time right? So you must've heard the whole thing? Well now you know that I'm not cheating." Lauren put her head down in shame. She was just looking out for her best friend.

What is Love (One Piece Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें