Chapter 7

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           Nami stared at Law with her hand covering her mouth. It's been 4 years since she has seen her first and best friend. Nami glanced at Namis with eyes full of tears. Namis closed his eyes and chuckled. Namis stared at Law and his eyes were full of tears just like Nami's. Ever since Law came back to this island, he would never stop talking about Nami. He would always ask Namis if Nami was here or when is she ever coming back. But what really surprised Namis was the reason why Law came back to the island. His reason was because he was waiting for Nami this whole time. Law left his crew to wait for her, to see her again. Penguin was captain for now. Namis always loved how Nami and Law acted when they were together. It was one of his best memories with them.

"Law...." Nami said walking towards him. "It's really you."

Law really grew tall for the past four years so Nami looked up to see his face, she gave him a warm smile. He was so happy to see her warm smile again. He still had tears in his eyes. Law never cried or even shed a tear before. Not for a stupid reason like this either. But when he saw Nami he couldn't hold back the tears.

{Zoro's P.O.V}

What is this?! I thought. That horrible scene of Nami and Law was hideous! I don't even think I can call it 'love'! It's not love at all. I mean seriously what is that Law trying to prove! That he's crying for a girl! And! What's so romantic about that! Even the crew thought they're a good couple! I thought. I turned around bothering not to look at the scene. I don't know why but I was hurt. Why am I feeling like this?! I was still looking at the opposite direction. I messed up my hair in frustration. I hate this feeling! But then I realized......I had a feeling I need to turn around. I had to.

But that's when I saw him. I saw him about to hug Nami. Something pressured me to stop that hug. I tried to hold in the anger. But I just couldn't. I snapped. I put down two of my katanas and only grabbed one. I ran as fast as I could. I grabbed Nami's waist and pulled her away from Law. I gripped my katana and pointed it at Law. "Don't you dare touch her." I said death glaring at him. Luffy knew what I was a doing. So he nodded his head towards Usopp and Sanji.

They went towards me and got protect Nami, our navigator. Luffy twisted his arm getting ready to try his new move. Sanji dropped his cigarette and was ready to kick Law's ass. (Sorry for language) And Usopp. Surprisingly he will protect Nami. No matter how much she teased Usopp. Usopp got his slingshotout and focused his aim to Law's face. He was ready. The rest of the crew stood aside. They were used to it.

"Tsk." I said holding Nami closer to me. "This.." I pointed at Nami. " OURS."

{Normal P.O.V}

Law gave a confused look at Nami. Nami looked up at Zoro's face. Her eyes were sparkling with joy. Was he protecting her? Zoro saw Law's face and a vein popped up. "Don't give me that face!" Zoro said still pissed off. Nami stared at his serious eyes. Nami knew how much Zoro is protective. Even sometimes overprotective. But that's what Nami likes about him. He thought of others before himself. As Zoro grabbed her waist, Nami started laughing.

"Pfft!" Nami covered her mouth, trying to hold in the laughter. Zoro stared at Nami. His one eyebrow raised up and he gave out an innocent look. Namis crossed his arms and laughed as well. The crew still stayed confused.

"Why are they laughing?" Franky asked, whispering to Brook.

"Oh? It seems Nami is laughing at Zoro. Yohoho." Brook said.

"I don't get it? Robin?" Chopper tugged at Robin's skirt.

Robin looked down and replied. "I don't know? Is she laughing because we don't know Nami is Law's boyfriend? I don't understand."

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