Chapter 20

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"Oi. Why....were you with that ero-cook?"

Nami couldn't make eye contact with him. His eyes were too overwhelming. She stared at the ground, poking her finger in the dirt. She didn't respond. She just kept quiet the whole time. But she could still feel his presence. He didn't leave at all. He just stood there waiting for the tangerine lover to respond.

The navigator sighed and rolled her eyes. "None of your business."

The marimo grunted, not liking the tone of her voice. He walked up to her, admiring the face he had fell in love with. He squinted his eyes, trying to make her eyes meet his. But his way was just not working. He crouched his legs downward and cupped her cheeks. Zoro grinned, knowing it had affected her. His grin faded away as he started to act serious this time. As his hands were still on her cheeks, he started to observe the way she avoided his eyes. She just wouldn't look at him at all.

"If you're gonna give me attitude, at least look me in the eye."

She still didn't listen and Zoro gave up for now. He sat in front of her, still observing her. Her head was tilted the other direction as she murmured some words. The Marimo couldn't hear but he knew she was mocking him under her breath. He crossed his arms, not letting his eyes wander off from the navigator. She was getting uncomfortable and it was pretty obvious.

Her lips curved into a growl. This time she glared at him straight in the eye. "Can you stop staring? It's really weird you know."

As much as the moss head wanted to act serious, he just had to let out a chuckle. "Kissing me and running off isn't weird?"

She gaped at him and then hmphed, looking at the ground. A blush crawled up her cheeks but she quickly covered it. Nami's mind was filled with rage. How dare he say that?! Why would he bring that up now anyways? He probably kissed plenty of girls before so he's used to it. That last thought made the crack in Nami's heart get bigger. Has he ever kissed anyone? She wasn't sure and she isn't going to assume anything. She just remained silence, not responding to Zoro's question.

"Just because you're not talking, it doesn't mean I'm gonna leave." He stared at her chocolate brown eyes. The woman is more confusing than Kuina. That girl would always say she's weak and will always be. But the girl who he grew up isn't weak at all. She is one of the strongest women he knew. Just like Nami. She's strong, not weak.

"You're never this quiet. You usually yell at us for laying around all day." He tried to start conversation but it never worked especially with Nami. When he tried in the past, it would lead him to doing some chores the navigator made him do. Now she's just ignoring him. He's not gonna leave because he can't. If he stepped inside without the orange head walking beside him, the crew would just send him outside again. "Listen. I just want to talk about what happened earlier..."

"Just stop. You don't have to do this. It's obvious the crew made you talk to me, right? Let's just forget about what happened and act like nothing ever happened. Ok?" She knew what she said was pathetic but he didn't want to talk about that so what's the point. She sighed. She knew this would happen and she really did regret it. He heard a few snickers from the moss head. Her hand bundled into a fist as she bonked the swordsman on the head. The nerve of that guy. How dare he laugh at her when she's being really serious.

He rubbed his head but still snickered. "You want me to forget about that? No way."


"What you did back there," He pointed at the door. "is something I'm not gonna forget. Plus, why would I want to forget?" He grinned.

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