
Zero pursed his lips for a moment before relaxing, "My father bound their vampire sides- it got rid of any actual thirst for blood but still allowed them use of their abilities as half bloods."

Kaname leaned back in his brown leather chair, "Did he do that to you as well?"

Zero shook his head, "He didn't until my thirteenth birthday. But when he did it, it didn't work and my body was at war with itself for weeks before I finally died."

He sighed, "I almost felt relieved when I knew I was at the end. I had kept coming in and out of visions every time I slept. I could hardly tell the difference between visions and reality."

"Did you have any regrets?"

"Yes, but they were all from visions that I had no way of knowing wouldn't come to fruition during that life."

Kaname nodded.

He had appeared to relax finally as he seemed to finally feel the effects of the alcohol. Zero wasn't far off himself.

"When we were younger, before Haruka and Juri were killed, we had hidden Yuki away from the whole of vampire society. Its part of what made her change to human so easy to hide- they never knew that Haruka and Juri had a daughter they had kept hidden away." Kaname spoke softly, almost musing.

"I remember how innocent she was- even more so than she is now. I've tried to keep it that way for so long, she was so good and pure and everything our kind is not and I found it addicting to be in her presence. I had taken so much care to place her with Cross even before the plans for the school were made official. Everything I've done I've done for her."

He chuckled, "But you- you always thought I was poison for her. I suppose you'll be proven right when she is awakened."

He downed his drink, "I always admired that about you, Kiryu. The more people you lose, the more protective of your favored people. For some reason I've never been able to feel that for anyone other than Yuki."

He frowned when he went to refill with the empty decanter before pull out a new bottle, this time of whiskey.

Instead of taking up the chair again, the brown haired Pureblood sat beside him on the couch with the bottle in hand as he refilled his glass with the other. He handed the bottle to Zero, who did the same before putting it on the side table.

"You know, one of the first visions I got of you two was when she was really young. A level E was chasing her and you stopped it. I think that's why she idolizes you even without her memories."

He took a swig from his glass, "You claim that you're not good, but if you weren't you wouldn't be so dead set on protecting her."

Kaname cocked a brow at him, "Your brothers never protected you?"

Zero shook his head, his eyes fixated on the fire.

"Akira couldn't stand me but Sato tolerated me enough to make polite conversation occasionally... well, if he was having a good day. When he had a bad day he took to Akira's lead. Akira, from what I could gather, hated me just as much as our father did."

"Didn't you have any friends?"

Zero shook his head, "We lived in a hunter commune and hunters usually grow up with very little tolerance to people that don't fit their standards. It was why it surprised me when Cross said I was a hunter before everything. When he explained that I was an ex-human I wondered why they hadn't sent someone to kill me. They did that with some of the hunters from the commune."

"I suppose Cross still holds enough influence with the Association that you were protected from it." Kaname stated and Zero nodded.

"Besides," Zero went on, "If you weren't good I'd be surprised. Anyone who sees you around Yuki could never genuinely say that you weren't. And I don't think your inner circle would be following you at this point if you weren't."

Yugen (A Vampire Knight Fanfiction- KaZe)Where stories live. Discover now