1. A Gift of Forewarning

Start from the beginning

Ichiru, Okaa-san, Otou-san. They were all gone and all he could feel was the biting cold and then the harsh bite that had ended his humanity and made him into a beast just as bad as the ones he wanted, no, needed to hunt.

Doors to the operating room slam open and Kaname is at his side.


He blinked hazily at his former enemy, his now mate. He swallowed thickly as he felt Kaname grip his restrained hand in a show of comfort.

"Zero, you have to hold on! He's almost done now, just a bit longer and then-"

A cry resounded throughout the room and he was brought back to his pained present.

His babies. Of course, it was for them that he had to bear it, now he could remember!

It would be worth it. Hopefully.

Hopefully he would survive it, no, he had to. He couldn't leave Kaname alone with them-no. He could never leave Kaname alone- it was the one thing Zero had sworn never to do when they underwent the ceremony that Kaname wanted to do (nevermind the fact that they had already been technically mated for some time by then, silly pureblood).

No, he could never leave Kaname alone.

But as he felt his blood drift away from his form and off the metal table and onto the dingy cracked tiles of the makeshift clinic he began to go silent in terms of willpower.

"It's a boy! Wait, there's another!"

The doctor handed the first baby, their son, away to a neighboring nurse who immediately took care of the crying infant as Zero's breath became harsh and broken.

Kaname's handsome features contorted into urgent fear and Zero swallowed again and gave a soft smile as another babe's cry pierced the air.

"A girl! It's a girl!"

Zero found it difficult to keep his eyes open and focused on his mate and Kaname squeezed his hand tight as if holding on for dear life.

"I love you, you know that, Zero. You can't do this, you have to survive, you have to endure! Come on, you can't leave us alone now!"

"I'm tired..." Zero murmured and gave a cough and blood spattered his cheeks and chin, sliding down his jaw to his neck, then to the cool table which began to seem warmer by the second.

"No, Zero! You can't sleep, you have to stay awake. Remember! Remember what-"

"Kaname," He bit out, "I think this is what he meant. I think this is our payment... and we... have to pay what's...due."

His words were slurred and distant and his eyelids slid shut and he lost all sense of time, slowly losing the feeling of his mate's hand interlocked with his own.

And eventually, he drifted off.

He had to go home.

He came to in a clinic not like the one he was just in- no, he hadn't been here in quite some time- but it was just as he remembered it.

Smooth, clean, linoleum tile. Short, claustrophobic ceilings and off white painted walls with awful nature paintings hanging over each of the sick beds.

He sat up and glanced down at himself and he saw for the first time in almost a year, his haphazard school uniform and no bump marking where his twins had just been pulled from.

He was back. Back before any of it happened.

He knew what he had to do.

Kaname had told him what had happened months too late, but still, he knew what he needed to do.

"Kiryu? You awake, now? Can I finally go? Kaname-sama would let me go now, what do you think?" Aido's petulant voice perked up from across the room where he was lounging on another sick bed out of boredom.

Zero narrowed his eyes briefly on the ice-wielder.

His chest ached and he knew he didn't have long now.

He turned urgent and flitted over to the blond's side, hovering over him, surprising the Noble when he removed his lazy arm from his fair face.

"I need you to do something." Zero explained and Aido snorted.

"No." Aido replied and Zero shook his head.

"It's easy. All you have to do is tell Kaname-"

"How dare you use his name so familiarly!" Aido admonished and Zero ground his teeth.

"Look, asshole. I don't have much time but you need to tell him something for me."

"Why can't you do it your-"

"Because the current me won't remember! Just do it!"

His chest screamed with pain and he choked on his breath briefly before speaking up and delivering his missive.

"Tell him that the Moon demands payment in the form of sacrifice, and it won't be picky about it! Tell him that this is one thing he cannot bear alone!"

He fell back onto the bed to the side and crashed onto the floor, his skin breaking out into an angry sweat. Aido looked well and truly freaked out and Zero coughed, blood spitting from his mouth in an angry burst.



"Go! Go! Go! G-"

His one cough turned into several and he contorted himself into a ball upon the floor as the Noble ran out to deliver his message.

And then...

And then, he died.

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