Following ~Chapter 45

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It was proving to be very difficult to not make my presence known, as me being my silly self, every time Steve glanced back, I felt the need to hide, which almost ended with me smacking into a wall, forgetting that I was not visible to the human eye. Or any eye for that matter.

Just as Fury and Steve entered an elevator, I forced to turn into my cat form, still invisible, so as to not take up as much space in the small elevator. Before Fury continued explaining the new project, Steve whispered very quietly, but still loud enough for me to hear. "Is it just me, or do you feel that someone is following us?"

Fury, being the trained agent person he is, did not make is evident that he knew exactly what Steve meant. "Rogers, it is definitely you. There is no way anyone is inside this small space. If they were, then we would see them. You are just paranoid." He huffed. Steve simply nodded, but Fury's words did not put him at ease. He was a soldier, and he knew when he was being watched.

I silently giggled, finding Steve's paranoia amusing. Eventually, we found ourselves in the basement of the building, surrounded by many working engineers and large, advanced planes. My jaw dropped at how much progress S.H.I.E.L.D. has made since that last time I was on Earth. I was about to yell out a, "WOW!" but I quickly caught myself, though I accidentally let out a very quiet squeak. Steve's head jerked to look in my general area, earning him a confused look from our boss.

"Did you hear that?"

"Rogers, you are paranoid. No one is following us and no one is watching us." Steve sighed in defeat and allowed Fury to continue his tour of the place. I smile widely. Oh, this is just so much fun. I love being my. I would never want to be someone else. Well, maybe to be the hatter. The madness is amadzing.... Hehe. The madness flows within me.

Suddenly, I realize that Steve and Fury had walked away. "Hey! Wait for me!" I wanted to yell, but I whispered it so as not to make my presence known. I am a smart little munchkin. Hehe. I may as well be the smartest person in the world! Look out Einstein, there is a new Einstein! And that new Einstein is cat, GET ON MY LEVEL BRO! Welp, that was a completely normal rant inside my head.


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