Holy Shit.

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"Wanna hang out tonight? My aunt gave me a hundred bucks to spend."

"Sorry Tae, I already have plans tonight," I said over the phone.

"Oh. Really? What are you doing?"

"Jungkook wanted to take me out and I figured it'd be nice since I felt like eating some skewered food."

"Oh, I hope you have fun then," he said in a monotone voice.

"I'll bring you back food, I'm sorry Tae. Anything you want, okay?" I said apologetically and waited for his answer.

There was a moment of silence on the other line before Taehyung hummed, "Bring me back strawberry milk and popcorn chicken, and then I'll forgive you. Maybe."

"Taehyuuuuuung," I whined into my earphones.

"Psh, have fun on your date."

"It's not a date."

"Are you going out with Jungkook, alone?"


"It's a date then," he scoffed.

"Well, I go out with you and it's just the two of us. So does that count as a date?" I shot back at his ridiculousness.

"Think whatever you want, but you're going out on a date tonight," he shot back.

"You're unbelievable, I'll be sure to stop by with your food later. Gotta go, I have to do laundry, Tae."

"Alright, see you later. I want my ketchup and sweet n sour sauce while you're at it, honey," he said ending the phone call.

What's his problem lately? He gets somewhat passive aggressive and I can't even explain why because I don't know why either.

I shook my head and tossed my phone onto my bed and started to load all my dirty clothes in the laundry basket. I didn't have the chance to do my laundry a couple of days ago since I was too busy procrastinating.

I'm actually really excited to go out with Jungkook tonight. Well, I'm nervous too, but it's probably because it's...

Jungkook for fuck's sake

I still don't know how I feel about him, but I'm glad we're friends.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked as I walked out of my room with the laundry basket.

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"My laundry," he smugly smiled.

I scoffed, but broke into a grin, "You wish."

He was sitting on the couch and reading some sort of comic. It seems like he had a lot of free time since there were five books stacked on top of each other.

"Don't forget about tonight okay?"

"I didn't, I even rejected Taehyung's offer to hang out later," I said rolling my eyes.

Jungkook lifted his eyes from the book and stared at me for a moment. The corners of his lips quirked up into a small smile and said, "Really?"

He's so cute.

I nodded and Jungkook went back to reading his comic book as I began to walk downstairs to do my laundry. While sorting out the darks and lights, I grabbed a navy blue hoody from the pile.

My eyebrows furrowed as I realized that it belongs to Jungkook, but I remember that I stole it from him. He actually lent it to me on a cold night before he left and I never gave it back because it was so soft, warm, and cozy. I kept wearing it when he wasn't here either, but I should probably put it away before he-

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