The Anti-Social Network

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Is this the world we've created?

Where being "social" means having 1000 friends you never even met

Where you waste your time on a computer screen for hours on end

Just to "Like" a meaningless post

To "Share" a ridiculous photo

Or to "Poke" some random person you never plan on meeting

Where "Having a life" means sitting in a room and opening a laptop

And closing the rest of the world out?

Where you are "Anti-Social" because you don't have a "Facebook"

Where your a freak if you don't "Follow" people on "Twitter"

The truth is....

How can it be "socializing"

When you see only names but no faces....

Only words no voices.....

Only people with no emotions.....

Welcome to the "Anti-Social Network"

The place that WE call home

But what ever happened to the "REAL SOCIAL NETWORK"

When "Posting Pictures" meant taping them to your bedroom wall

When a "Poke" meant actually walking up to someone and poking them

When "Messaging" meant passing a paper around the classroom behind the teachers back

When having "Friends" mean people you actually knew and talked to every day

When we wanted to "Video Chat" with someone we had to go find them first

When "Playing Games" meant going outside and running around and HAVING FUN

When we saw our rooms as a PRISON and not an ESCAPE

So what ever happened to it all.....?

Broken Hearts And Forgotten DreamsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon