Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

So we had to leave Harry alone. I kissed his forehead and left with Hermione and Ron. But I knew I'd be back. 


Ew, why must the boys' dormitory stink? I covered my nose and crawled along the floor to where Harry keeps his trunk. Ron was snoring from the bed next to me and I fought the urge to go draw on his face, instead, I pulled open Harry's trunk and searched through it. Aha! There you are! The Invisibility Cloak lay on the bottom and I slowly pulled it out, making sure not to make too much noise. I know what I'm doing is wrong, and Harry's probably asleep, but I can't sleep knowing he's in the Hospital Wing alone. He'd understand. He always does. 

Holding the Cloak tightly, I crawled towards the door and had to fight the giggle when a fart came from Ron. I'm so immature. I made it out of the dormitory and slipped the Cloak around me before rushing down the steps and into the Common Room. Percy was asleep on the chair, probably on guard, so sneaking past him was easy. I slipped through the portrait hole and headed towards the Hospital Wing. 

The castle was strangely eerie and quiet, there wasn't a sound or teacher in sight. Which is good because getting caught is not an option. Even though the Cloak makes you in invisible, it doesn't stop any sound you make so even taking breaths is a risk. The Hospital Wing came into view and after making sure Madam Pomfrey wasn't in sight, I pushed the door open and expected to see Harry fast asleep but he wasn't. He was talking to a elf?

"Harry Potter came back to school," the house elf whispered miserably. "Dobby warned and warned Harry Potter. Ah sir, why didn't you heed Dobby? Why didn't Harry Potter go back home when he missed the train?"

Ah! So that's Dobby! Dobby had had large, bat-like ears and bulging green eyes the size of tennis balls. He was wearing an old dirty pillowcase with rips made for the arms and legs. Harry sat up and pushed the sponge Dobby was holding away. I took that moment to walk in.

"What's going on?" They both jump and look around but not seeing anything. I cussed, realising that I'm still covered by the Cloak. I took it off. "Sorry - forgot about that. But seriously, what's going on?"

"Bella?" Harry raised his eyebrow. "What are you doing here? Is that my - is that my Cloak?"

I shrugged and hold it up. "I had to see you, this was the only way. But stop changing the subject, what's going on and how did he know we missed the train?"

"That's what I would like to know," Harry looked at Dobby.

Dobby's lip trembled making me raise my eyebrow. I sit next to Harry and look at Dobby.

"It was you!" Harry said slowly. "You stopped the barrier letting us through!"

I glared at him. "You did?"

"Indeed, yes, I did." Said Dobby, nodding his head vigorously making his ears flap. "Dobby hid and watched for Harry Potter and sealed the gateway and Dobby had to iron his hands afterwards-" he showed us ten, long, bandaged fingers and I felt sorry for him, "-but Dobby didn't care, sir, for he thought Harry Potter was safe and was with Bella Black, and never did Dobby dream that Harry Potter would get to school another way!"

I watched as Dobby rocked backwards and forwards, shaking his ugly head. 

"Dobby was so shocked when he heard Harry Potter was back at Hogwarts, and that Bella Black was with him, he let his master's dinner burn! Such a flogging Dobby never had..."

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