🔎Chapter 21🔍

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A/n: It has been so ridiculously long since I've updated, but now it's summer so I have the time for it! This is quite long, a bit of an apology for the wait

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A/n: It has been so ridiculously long since I've updated, but now it's summer so I have the time for it! This is quite long, a bit of an apology for the wait. Enjoy!


"Watch yourself Holmes, we're trying to see if bodies bruise after death, not if we can kill them more than once."

Sherlock sighed, holding out the riding crop to (Y/n), she grinned, gladly taking it.

"Both of us know you can die more than once, now, don't we?" Sherlock smirked.

"Sam and Dean send their love, not that you care," (Y/n) mused with a smirk, raising the riding crop and striking it against the body, "It wasn't that long ago we traveled to London from America was it? Now look at us."

"Yes, yes, a very sentimental engagement."

(Y/n) grinned, hitting the dead body a few times in a row.

"Excuse me!"

(Y/n) looked up boredly, hitting the corpse continuously.

"I do hope we're not interrupting. "

(Y/n) hit the corpse one last time, turning to the two men in front of her with a kind smile.

"You've been in Afghanistan, I perceive," Sherlock reached into his waistcoat for his pocket watch.

"Doctor Watson, Mr Sherlock-"

Sherlock tossed his walking stick to John, who instinctively caught it, "Excellent reflexes. You'll do."

"I'm sorry?"

"We've been looking at a suite of rooms near Regent's Park. Between the three of us we could afford them easily," (Y/n) explained.

"Rooms? Who said anything about rooms?"

"We did. We mentioned to Stamford this morning we were in need of a fellow lodger. Now he appears after lunch in the company of a man of military aspect with a tan and recent injury, both suggestive of the campaign in Afghanistan and an enforced departure from it. The conclusion seemed inescapable. We'll finalise the details tomorrow evening."

"Lovely meeting you Doctor Watson," (Y/n) smiled, "If you'll excuse us, there's a hanging in Wandsworth and we'd hate to miss it."

Sherlock assisted her in putting her coat on before putting on his own.

"A hanging?"

"I take a professional interest. I also play the violin and smoke a pipe. I presume that's not a problem?"

"Er, no, well-"

"I dance as well, bit of a side profession," (Y/n) added.

"And you're clearly acclimatised to never getting to the end of a sentence. We'll get along splendidly. Tomorrow evening, seven o'clock, then."

A Supernatural Case//Sherlock x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora