🔎Chapter 19🔍

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A/n: Very long chapter, it goes along with the episode Sign of Three

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A/n: Very long chapter, it goes along with the episode Sign of Three. I don't own the storyline for any chapter that goes along with a Sherlock episode. And any chapter that does go along will be significantly longer. Enjoy!


"Lestrade wants to kill you, you know that right?" (Y/n) asked as Sherlock spun her slowly.

"I gave no necessary details, he just assumed the worst," Sherlock shrugged.

"Well some details would have been nice," (Y/n) shrugged, "You'll do great Sherlock, you got an extra two months to get more ideas. The speech will be lovely."

"Shut up Mrs. Hudson," Sherlock said as soon as Mrs. Hudson entered the room.

"I haven't said anything," Mrs. Hudson set down a try of tea.

"You were formulating a question," Sherlock stepped away from (Y/n), pausing the music.

"I thought you were the one playing."

"I was composing," Sherlock placed a few notes down on the paper holding the music.

"And you were dancing," Mrs. Hudson grinned.

"What brings you here Mrs. Hudson?" (Y/n) asked.

"I'm bringing you your morning tea."

"You bring the morning tea?"

"Well of course," Mrs. Hudson chuckled, "How did you think it got here?"

"I don't know, I just thought it sort of happened."

"You're mother has a lot to explain for," Mrs. Hudson handed Sherlock and (Y/n) cups of tea.

"Mmm, I have a list. Mycroft has a file."

(Y/n) chuckled, taking a sip of her tea.

"So, it's the big day then," Mrs. Hudson said excitedly.

"What day?"

"The wedding Sherlock," (Y/n) rolled her eyes.

"Two people already living together are going to attend church, have a party, go on a short holiday, then return home."

"It changes people, marriage," Mrs. Hudson argued.

"No it doesn't," Sherlock mumbled.

"When you and (Y/n) are married you'll think differently."

(Y/n) choked on her tea, coughing and setting down her cup. Sherlock was more stoic about what Mrs. Hudson said, but his eyes widened a fraction.

"There are usually biscuits," Sherlock finally said.

"I've run out. But marriage does change people."

"As does lethal injection. Your husband was prosecuted for double murder."

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