🔎Chapter 6🔍

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Chapter 6



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"A murder, how exciting!" Sherlock yelled, putting his phone in his pocket.

Prime time, Hyde Park.

(Y/n) texted Sam and Dean. This was her third day staying at Sherlock's, her sixth in London. She had been sleeping more, tea seemed to have that effect on her.

John and (Y/n) grabbed jackets, with the weather being 50F and cloudy, with a storm passing through nearly every other day. Sherlock grabbed his trench coat and scarf. No matter the weather he could be found in that.

They left 221B and hailed a taxi to the crime scene. (Y/n) was itching with excitement, hopefully they would be able to get some information from this. The cab suddenly swerved to the right, the driver swearing under his breath.

"Darn tourists, need to learn to drive on the left side of the road."

A few seconds after Sherlock, John and (Y/n) arrived, Sam and Dean pulled up in the Impala. Dean tossed (Y/n)'s fake FBI badge to her. The three of them weren't in their monkey suits, instead in their famous flannels, but it would have to do.

(Y/n) flashed her badge at one of the officers, ducking under the police tape surrounding the scene.

"2 women, mid to late thirties. The one on the left was the killer, blood splatters on her hand, knife in her stomach. Murder-Suicide." She observed.

"The victim, on her way to work, unmarried, her job was professional. She was walking and attacked, killed by a stab in the heart. The killer then stabbed herself in the stomach," Sherlock finished.

"Witnesses saw the killer with black eyes, which are now green, and smoke came from her mouth after she stabbed herself." Lestrade added.

"Drugs," John suggested, subtly winking at the group. (Y/n)'s gaze traveled around the scene. Everything around her froze, her breathing stopping.

"Agent Ford, A-Agent Hamill," She gritted out.

Sam and Dean turned to her, she pointed a shaking hand towards a statue, crying blood. The crimson liquid was slowly dripping down its carved face.

"This isn't a small demons omen," she whispered.

"Son of a..." Sam mumbled.

"Do you have any ideas agents?" Lestrade asked.

"We'll need to see who it is," Dean recovered from his shock first.

"Please send Mr. Holmes the details, we'll discuss it with him," (Y/n) shook her head, turning away from the statue.

Lestrade nodded, giving the 'agents' a tight smile. He turned back to his partner, Donovan, and they began to discuss possible motives.

"She slept with Anderson," (Y/n) told her brothers, picking up on the fact that the two were wearing the same deodorant.

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