Modern!Lavi x reader: Spin the bottle

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"Come on (Y/n), please go!" Lavi pleaded with you.

You eyed the invitation to Allen's party and as Lavi begged at your side, you decided you'd go. "Alright fine. I'll be at Allen's house after school only if you'll go to," you answered.

"Ah yeah! You're the best, I'll pick you up in my car if you want," he offered.

"That would be nice, that way I don't have to waste gas money." You both heard the bell ring and you sighed, your foot tapping against the green tile of the hallway. "Ugh, I have to go to psychology," you groaned.

"Why don't you skip class?"

"That sounds very stupid. Besides I'm failing the class."

"Why didn't you just say so?" He swings the backpack he had slung on one shoulder to the front of him and digs around for a bit until he pulls out a notebook."Here, I'm really good at psychology, so take my notes."

You shrugged and took it. "Thanks Lavi, I appreciate it." You began to leave and he called after you.

"Remember, parking lot after school so I can drive you to Allen's house!" 

"Y eah yeah, I'll be there."

You opened the notebook as you were walking down the hallway, almost expecting Lavi to have pranked you, but instead you were surprised with well taken notes and neat pretty handwriting. "So he didn't prank me this time..."


"What took ya so long? I've been waiting forever!" Lavi whined as you approached his car.

He had a tiny yellow Volkswagen bug, and his favorite thing to do was to yell slug bug and punch whoever was near him as he ran to his own car and hopped in. Often, it was you or Allen who got slugged.

"Professor Komui had me stay late because I accidentally spilled his coffee on his desk, So I had to clean it up," you replied.

"Ugh, damn Komui trying to ruin our fun." Lavi opened the door to the drivers side and hopped in. "Get in and let's party!"

You sat in the passenger side and Lavi drove to Allen's house, playing music you both knew the words to and singing while grinning and laughing, probably trying to get you in the mood to sing too, and eventually you did. Both of you were singing party rockers loudly and obnoxiously until he pulled into Allen's driveway and hopped out of the car.

You got out and we're greeted by Lenalee and Allen at the front door. "Hey you two! Glad to see you could show up!" Allen exclaimed.

"Yeah, we've got Kanda and Alma to show up and Jerry cooked us up some awesome food!" Lenalee sang happily.

Allen grumbled about Kanda before opening the door and allowing you both in.

In the living room, you could see Krory, Miranda and Daisya were playing twister together, and dear lord were they all in some awkward positions. You almost felt sorry for Miranda, but she seemed to be enjoying herself. 

In the kitchen, Timothy was devouring loads of food while Alma and Kanda sat on stools talking to one another, and down the hallway, Cross' music could be heard as well as Marie singing.

"Hey everyone, Lavi and (Y/n) are here, so we can all play some games!" Allen exclaimed.

There were some hurrahs from the fellow party goes, except for Kanda who crossed his arms and let out a disinterested "che."

"So what should we play first then?" Allen asked.

Lavi grinned. "Allen, I've got the perfect game to start the night out with," he said.

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