The next day, I was ready to leave camp on the informal quest along with Thalia and Annabeth, with Argus driving us to the school while we were all catching up with our lives.

As we entered the hall, I saw Grover and waved at him. "Hey G-man, sup with your life?" I asked. He was one of my first friends at camp and had done 2 quests with him so far.

As I turned around after greeting Grover, I spotted a French dude who shimmered into monster for a second before turning back again. Maybe the mist was playing tricks with me. As we approached him, I could see Grover tense up, proving that I did not hallucinate the French dude being a monster.

Once again, the light shimmered, and I could see a monster with a spiky tail and an ugly face and was surrounded by.... some orange glow? Now I must be really hallucinating. The monster is true but the glow around it must just be my imagination.

As I turned around, I saw that Thalia and Annabeth seemed to be completely oblivious that the French dude was a monster and, so I hid my suspicions and acted cool, but I was secretly on my guard.

"Were these the friends you were talking about Grover?" The French dude a.k.a. the monster asked eyeing at us suspiciously. Grover nodded his head and led us towards the ball room where he updated on the kids.

The two were siblings - while one was 14, the other was 12 a boy and a girl... most probably children of the big 3. As I turned around, I spotted 2 kids that fit the description - pale face, olive skin and dark brown eyes. 'Must be the ones we are after' I thought as I went towards them.

"Hi there, I'm Percy and you are?" I asked them. They seemed wary of me but introduced themselves "Hi, I'm Nico di Angelo and this is my sister Bianca. Want to play with me?" Nico asked holding out a deck of cards and some figurines.

"Sure. Why not" I said and started up a small talk. Soon they got comfortable with me and opened up to me. Nico was a 12-year-old hyperactive kid while Bianca seemed to be a shy girl who wanted to enjoy life. All was going well until....

<Bianca P.O.V>

That Percy guy was nice, funny and a good listener and I knew that I could easily trust him after talking for a few minutes. All was going on well until the headmaster - that French dude came in.

"May I please borrow those 2 students for a few minutes?" he asked. Percy narrowed his eyes but nodded. As we were leaving, we saw that Percy had started to follow us like the headmaster was going to harm us.

Suddenly, the French dude started to drag us deeper into the forest. Percy was soon by our side with a.... sword? He raised it towards the head master and said "They are not involved in this situation. Leave them alone and fight me."

"Ah! Percy Jackson.... How nice to finally meet you in person. But sadly, I can't fight you as my master has ordered me to bring these two to him. So, time to bid farewell" he said and well turned into a monster? He had a spiky tail and an ugly face.

"What is happening?" I asked, scared suddenly due to the chain of events. "Damn it! Is that a manticore for god's sake? Surely a big deal" Percy said as he charged towards it with a sword while the 'manticore' swung the spiky tail and a lot of thorns came out of it.

"Do you trust me? I will everything afterwards." Percy asked/ said to me. We nodded, and he asked us to get back to the school or go towards the cliff and jump down, saying he would save us. Scared, Nico and I nodded and headed towards the school.

Soon there was a full-blown fight with many people joining in. As the fight ceased, the 'manticore' was backing up to the cliff when suddenly, someone with blond hair jumped upon the beast, trying to kill it but ended up falling off the cliff with him. (A/N: I suck at fight scenes and I decided not to add one unless necessary)

"Annabeth!" someone shouted as the girl fell. After that everything was a blur. Currently I am standing at the borders of the camp, as a hunter of Artemis, ready to go on a quest to save her. Even though I will miss my brother, being a hunter......I am happy to do something new for a change, not anticipating on what will happen....

Meanwhile at camp

<Percy's P.O.V>

I was waiting for the others to leave so that I could follow them when Nico came up behind me and tugged at my sleeve. I turned towards him and raised my eyebrow as to why he was awake this early.

"I can see that you are trying to shadow the quest group. Will you try to keep my sister alive? She is the only family I have now." he said.

I bent down to his eye level and said "I will do my best to keep your sister alive. But whatever is fated must happen. But I can send the quest via dreams if you want so that you know what happened in the quest ok? I can talk to the gods about this if you want" I said, feeling sad for him. I knew the pain of losing the only family members I have.

I had come to like that kid a lot and he seemed to trust me a lot while most of the campers ignored him. As I hugged him, I promised him that "No matter whose kid you are Nico and whatever happens to you, I will always look out and take care of you Nico and I promise it" and left Nico, onward towards the quest group, trying to catch up with them without them noticing me.

A/N: This is the second chapter I am publishing and I will update whenever it is possible within the week. Hope you all like the story and all criticism and comments are welcome along with your ideas. Thank you for reading.

Rasnak signing out :) ;)


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