Aizen x Reader

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*Flashback to over 100 years ago, when the soul society was commanded by a different set of Captains and Lieutenants*


"Goodmorning, Captain Hirako." I bowed at my Captain. "Ah, Goodmorning Third Seat (L/N). How did you sleep?" He grinned. You beamed up at him. "I slept well. I heard there's a Captain's meeting this morning about a new Captain for Squad 12. Isn't that Urahara guy a little weird to be a Captain?" You voiced your thoughts. "Plus, Hiyori doesn't really like new people. She was devastated when Captain Hikifune left."

"Hey, I'm sure Kisuke will make a fine Captain, (Y/N). Let's all give him a chance."

"Oh, it seems I'm late." I hear a voice from behind me. Turning, i see my squad's lieutenant, Sosuke Aizen. "Sosuke, Goodmorning to you." Shinji's smile faltered and became formal. I bowed. "Hello, Lieutenant."

Sosuke smiled widely at me. "Hello, (Y/N). Captain, the meeting will start soon, you should head over to Squad One's Barracks before you're late." Sosuke spoke, rather coldly.

Shinji hmphed and walked away, taking only two steps then being attacked by Hiyori. I giggled slightly at the exchange, admiring my close friends. I noticed Sosuke has been trying to get my attention, but admittedly, I am frightened by the man. His smile always had a hidden message behind him, and lately, ive seen some really weird things happening when he was around. I dont want to say anything because I could be wrong, but I'm almost positive....

"Let's head back to our Barrack's, shall we, (Y/N)?" He smiled that same wicked smile again, but without hesitation, I smiled right back and followed him back to the Squad 5 Barracks.

*TIMESKIP to years after Kisuke became captain*

The night was hectic. Captain Kensei Muguruma and Lieutenant Mashiro we're missing for hours, and suddenly Hiyori went missing too. I hope everything is okay.

"Don't worry your pretty little head, (Y/N). They've sent a few Captains and Lieutenants to look for them." Sosuke smiled. My cheeks tint red at his smile. He really does look his best when he's smiling.

"I really do hope so, I'm so worried for them. Something seems off.... It just doesn't add up. I feel like this is the work of someone on the inside, and when I find out who, they're dead." I growled. Then, Sosuke laughed. Does he think I'm kidding?

"I don't doubt you would try."

I sighed. Please be okay, everyone.

* * * * * * * *

When I was finally able to escape from your Lieutenant, I rushed to look for the others. I just knew something was going on.

Screaming and swords clashing could be heard in the night. Flash stepping to the location, it looked like something straight from a nightmare.

"What the hell is going on here?!" I screamed, seeing my comrades collapsed on the cold hard ground. Captain Urahara and Tessai Tsukabishi along with Sosuke, Kaname Tōsen, and Gin Ichimaru stood around them in heated conversation.

"(Y/N), you're the one person I didn't need seeing this." Sosuke flash stepped to me at an incredible speed, pinning me up to the tree that i was near. A gasp left me, and i feel him pressed against me.

"What the hell have you done here, Lieutenant? What have you done to my friends?" I spat in his face in anger. He smiled, sorrow filling his eyes. "I haven't the time or the intent to tell you what's going on here. They were all just pawns. But you my dear, you're no pawn. I've loved you from the minute I laid eyes on you. To some degree it seems that you like me as well," he leaned closer.

"The way your breath picks up when I'm this close to you just confirms it." He smirked, and it made my blood boil with anger, knowing he was right.

"But Sosuke, why would you..."

"Fret not, just do as I say and the both of us will be together. However. You. Like." He licked his lips and I gulp, heating up completely.

"N-no! I won't stand by and let you hurt my friends!"

"It seems I have no choice then. Gin, take her to Hueco Mundo. If you hurt her in any way, I will execute you. Now go."

Gin smiled, quite creepily, and suddenly, my vision blurred....

* * * * * * * *

When my eyes opened, I was in a strange room on a bed, covered with a light blanket. My memory came back to me and I jolted up quickly.

"Hey! Get me the hell out of here!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"You sure are loud this early, my love." I turn to see my Lieutenant. "Where am I? What happened to Kisuke and the others? You evil son of a-"

The softest of lips were planted on mine and I couldn't hide the shock. Before I found out of his betrayal, I had only dreamed of this moment. What he had said before had been painfully true. I wanted him so badly.

"I can sense your hesitation, but be honest with yourself, (Y/N). Be with me, and you'll be my Queen. The Queen of all of Hueco Mundo."

And in my moment of weakness, I broke. I won't betray the soul society. But, if I'm Queen...

"Yes, Lord Aizen. I'm yours."

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