Ichigo x Reader

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Moving to a new town would be tough enough, but moving countries is even worse! My parents wanted a change in scenery, so coming back to my dad's hometown was their idea. New school, new people. How will I get by?

As I was moving in, I spot a young girl about my age coming out of the house next door. She smiled widely. "Hello! I'm Orihime Inoue, it's nice to meet you! What's your name?" Her smile was enough to help me relax. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad. "I'm (y/n) (l/n). It's nice meeting you too."

She helped me carry in boxes and we talked about school, friends, and what we like to do in our spare time.

When everything was brought in we said our goodbyes. "Let's walk together tomorrow, okay (y/n)?" I nodded my head and waved goodbye as I walked into my house, dead tired from the eventful day. I decided a nap would do me good so I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep...


I woke up and it was dark. Shit. I tore the covers off and walked downstairs. Everyone had gone to bed already. And I haven't unpacked a thing! I maneuvered through the boxes and unlocked the front door, walking out into the night. Karakura was beautiful at night I must admit.

A screech sounded and my body jolted in fear. What was that? "(Y/n) LOOK OUT!" I heard Orihime shout and suddenly my back is knocked against a wall. I groan in pain. I catch a glimpse of orange through my heavy lidded eyes. They widened in an instant when I see a strange boy in black slice the horrendous creature in half. It disappeared, particles slowly dissolving. I was in a trance, shocked, confused, and strangely, unafraid. I looked up to an outstretched hand. "You okay?" His deep voice piercing through the silence of the night. "Yeah, thank you." I smiled softly. He scratched the back of his neck timidly. "I'm Ichigo Kurosaki. You really should pay more attention to your surroundings you know."

"Hey! I'm not a kid you know!" I huffed and he chuckled. "I'll see you at school tomorrow, and don't tell anyone about what you saw okay?" I nodded and said goodbye to the attractive orange haired boy.


"Hey (y/n), these are my friends Chad, Uryu, Tatsuki, Keigo, and Chizuru. Oh and you know Ichigo." The two she introduced as Chizuru and Keigo made perverted remarks. Ichigo and Tatsuki hit them and I laugh at the violence. Everyone's been really nice.

When class started, I made an introduction, and during I felt that same presence from last night, and heard another loud screech. I noticed Ichigo, Orihime, Chad and Uryu stiffen. "I-uh-have to use the restroom!" I shout as I follow them. As I exit the school, I see Ichigo fighting another one of those things and it turns to me. Letting out another loud noise it charges in my direction. I ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction. "(Y/n)!" I hear and suddenly I'm in someone's arms. Chad kills it with a punch and it dissipated. I sighed in relief. "Why do those things keep coming after me?" I turn in Ichigo's arms.

"You have a lot of spiritual pressure; I bet Aizen is putting them up to this." He muttered. "Aizen? Spiritual Pressure?"

They explained everything to me and it was all pretty hard to believe.

"So, you're basically a hero!" I smiled widely at him. "Well I-I mean I guess?" His face turned red. "Thank you for saving me, Ichigo." I hugged him, and he returned it, finally releasing me from his grasp.

"I'll protect you (y/n), even if it costs me my life. I won't let these hollows or Aizen hurt you. That's a promise."

That promise was put at stake by none other than Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, The 6th Espada.

I was walking home at night (how dangerous), and laughter filled the air. "Well, who do we have here?" The blue haired man appeared in front of me, sporting a large smile and a hole in his stomach. "A-arrancar!" I gasped and fell on my ass, looking up at him. "NO, LEAVE HER ALONE! GRIMMJOW!" I hear the familiar voice shout. "Ichigo!"

The guy picked me up and went into the air, almost dragging me into a black void.

"I won't let you have her!" Ichigo's voice roared. The man suddenly dropped me from his high place in the sky when a bald guy hit him. I fell, screaming, bracing myself for the harsh asphalt and it... never came. I landed in strong arms and held myself against his chest, shaking. "I'll be back." Grimmjow frowned and let himself through the void, closing it behind him.

Lips crashed against mine forcefully and my eyes widened in surprise. Ichigo was kissing me? HE WAS KISSING ME! I relaxed and wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning in to deepen it. His lips were soft, and so sweet. I didn't want it to end.

He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine to catch his breath. "I'll always protect you (y/n)."

A/N hey guys! So this is my first x Reader and I hope it was good! I'm open to requests!

Next will be a Toshiro x Reader hopefully!

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