Chapter II: Shady Ties

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IATO Air Field Honolulu, Hawaii

April 21st 3:34am Local Time

Soldiers were on standby in the open field when the small plane arrived. It came in looking rugged and torn, seeing as it had just flown through a nuclear explosion. The 5 passengers then stepped out and were greeted. "Welcome back Elites. You've all been on quite the tour." One soldier said. Amber then said "Pyongyang was the fifth Regime stronghold we've come across in this 3 month tour across Asia and Europe. I think it's safe to say that Endgame is coming close to their last leg." Ruby then said "Yeah. But it's good to be going home soon. I miss Miami, the warm weather, fun activities, crappy traffic, and Dad." Amber then said "Don't worry Nic. We'll see him soon." Jay then interrupted and asked "So where are we going for the night? We're supposed to head back in the morning." One of the soldiers replied "You've been hooked up at a 5 star hotel not too far away. The shuttle just arrived to take you there."

At the hotel, each Elite was given a their own suite. They were all settling in when Jay decided to hold a meeting in his. "I received a video from HQ a few minutes ago from Pirce. Check it." He then played the video. It showed a man with blonde hair and a suit and tie. "Congratulations Elites." He said. "I received word that your mission was a rousing success. I'm here to explain the contents on the drive that was obtained by your ZC-Unit. For months, IATO has been gathering engineers to create the ultimate peacemaker that will revolutionize how we fight corruption nationwide. Upon arrival to DC, report to my office for a briefing. Until then my prodigal sons and daughters." The video then ended. And Jay stood up. "I don't know about you guys, but for the past couple of months something has definitely been off about our missions. We've known that Endgame has been a threat forever. So why is it that now our missions have been to apprehend their members, but every time they all end up being killed before we can."

Jay then turned to Zach and said "You did good on this mission. You're done for the night. You can go back to your room." Zach then got up and said "God I'm beat. I'll see you morons in the morning." When the door was closed, Natalie then asked "What is it you need to say that you couldn't in front of Zach. He's one of us isn't he." Jay then replied "It's not that I don't trust him. It's that I don't trust where he's coming from. If I didn't know any better, I would think that our officers are hiding something. Rob then plugged the drive into Jay's laptop and tried to open the files inside. "Everything's encrypted." Seconds later, the alarm went off on the laptop. "There's tracking malware on that drive." Nicole then said "As much as I hate agreeing with him, Jay could be right. And of course if we were to ask about this we would only be denied." Natalie then asked "So what are we gonna do? Sneak outside the law? Search for something that probably isn't there? Be charged with treason? Get executed because of a suspicion?" When nobody answered the question, she then said "Are you kidding me you're actually gonna do this? That's the problem with you guys. You don't know how far is too far!" Robert then said "Well what are we supposed to do exactly? We vowed to expose the corrupt. If we find out that we could be working for the corrupt we can't just turn a blind eye. We have to do our job. It's the right thing to do." Nat then replied "Doing our job in this case would mean us losing them." "But, we would have done the right thing. Maybe the government will let us operate on our own for a little while." Nic said. "Then it's settled. There's something going on, and that drive must hold the answers. Why else would we be asked to retrieve files from our enemies if they're going to be wiped out by us anyway. We need to find a way to unlock that drive and find out for sure."

That night, the four teenagers began to lay the groundwork for their betrayal. From that moment on, everything would change.

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