I Have a Brother Now.....Yay.

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The next morning I woke up in the Big House living room trying to remember why I was there. "Seems you had another vision." I heard Mr. D say from over where he was playing Pac-Man. I slowly sat up, feeling like I was just trampled by a heard of Pegasi. "I did?" I asked. I couldn't remember much of what happened yesterday. I remembered there was capture the flag, a hellhound and... "Oh! I have a brother!" I said, suddenly feeling a little more awake. Mr. D chuckled. "Yes, yes you do. Anyway, back to your vision. Can you remember it?" He asked, looking over at me. I shook my head. "You know I never do...." I said, looking down at my hands. Mr. D sighed. "I told Poseidon that messing with your memories wouldn't be good, but nooo, old barnacle beard insisted." He said. "Just tell me, do you think he was in it?" He asked. I shuddered. "I'm not sure. He usually is though." I wasn't really sure who he was, Mr. D thought that he was the man who tried to kill me. I couldn't remember much of when I was brought here, but Chiron and Mr. D said that I was half dead when Poseidon brought me to Camp. I was shot almost thirteen times, the only thing that saved me was the fact that rather than this person leaving me to bleed out on the ground, he threw me into the ocean. This lead to Poseidon finding me and bringing me to Camp. I didn't know who the man was, or why he did it, all I knew was that I never wanted to see him again and if I did, I would kill him. I didn't know why I felt like this I just did. I was clenching my fists so tightly at this point my hands were bleeding from where my nails dig into my skin. "Go get something to eat Heather." "It's Hana." "Whatever." Mr. D flashed me a mischievous smile and I stood up, giving him a small bow before walking out of the Big House to the dinning pavilion. I was met by several concerned older campers, mainly Aphrodite girls lead by Silena, who swarmed around me like a bunch of worried chickens. "I'm fine, I'm fine!" I said, waving them off. I walked over to the breakfast buffet and grabbed a few pieces of toast and some fruit. I felt someone nudge me with their hip and I immediately knew who it was. "What do you want Luke?" I asked, smiling up at him. He had become like an older brother too me over the past five years. He and Annie had gotten to Camp only a few weeks before I did. "I can't come over to check on you?" He asked, pretending to be hurt. "Please, I get enough of that from the Mom-Squad." I said, making him laugh. "Fair enough, but they can't help but worry about you. Hades, Silena practically raised you." Luke replied. I smiled and shrugged. "I'm serious Hana, you're like the camp designated kid-sister." I rolled my eyes at this. "Am not." "Hana, when you came here you were this strange looking twig of a kid who couldn't even speak English much less Ancient Greek. We have all watched you blossom into the brawling, bossy, badass that you are today." He said, resting his elbow on my head. "I'm not bossy, and get your arm off my head!" I yelled. Luke laughed and ruffled my hair. "Go and eat, looks like you have sword training after this." He said, giving me a gentle shove towards my table. "What? Since when?" I asked in disbelief. I had archery lessons after breakfast usually. "Since he showed up. Unfortunately you're not the oldest anymore. He is." He said, gesturing to Percy who was sitting all alone at the Poseidon table. I sighed. "I totally forgot." I grumbled. Luke laughed as I walked over and sat down. Percy was pushing eggs around on his plate. "Why are you sitting here?" He asked in confusion. "Because this is where I'm supposed to sit. I am a child of Poseidon." I said, grabbing an enchanted cup and plate. The plate soon filled with something similar to what Percy was eating, except my eggs weren't blue. I immediately dug in. Percy looked up at me and down at his food, and then back at me. "What?" I asked, starting to get a little annoyed. "Why do you keep looking at me like I've grown a second head?" He sighed. "How can you be so cool with this whole, demigod thing?" He asked. I shrugged. "I guess it's because it's really the only thing I've ever known." I said, still eating. Percy looked at me with a sad look on his face. "You've lived here for all your life?" He asked. I shook my head. "Just the past five years. I can't really remember anything before then." I said, suddenly not feeling very hungry now. I took a drink from one of the enchanted goblets, immediately met with the taste of orange juice. "I'm sorry to hear that." Percy said. "Don't worry. It's okay." I said, waving him off. The two of us finished our breakfast in an awkward silence. After the both of us were done we stood up. I really wasn't looking forward to sword practice. I hated using swords, which is why I usually fought with a trident. We walked to the practice arena where Luke was waiting. "You wanna sit and watch?" Luke asked. I gave him a grateful smile and nodded, walking over and sitting on a pile of hay. I watched as Luke and Percy sparred, Luke not going easy on him. Every now and then I would try to give Percy some advice. "Try putting your whole weight into the swing." I said. Percy turned to glare at me. "You don't even fight with a sword-aak!" Percy was knocked to the ground by Luke. "You can't let anything distract you on the battlefield. That's enough for today." Luke said, putting his practice sword away. He ruffled my hair on the way out of the ring. Percy grumbled as he stood up. "This is stupid." He said. I shrugged. "It might be, but it could save your life." I said, getting off of the hay bale and walking over to the range area. I pulled my clip out of my hair and willed it to grow to its normal size. "That's pretty cool. Where did you get it?" Percy said, watching me as I twirled it around for a few minutes. "From old barnacle beard. Guess he decided, hey I let you nearly get killed, and decide to drop you off at a camp you can never leave and not contact you again, here's a magical spear thingy, go have fun." I said in a mocking tone. Percy nodded, leaning against a rack of weapons watching me. "Hey, wanna see something cool?" I asked. He nodded. "Sure." I grinned and threw my trident as hard as I could across the range, enjoying the satisfying thonk of it going into the target, close to a bullseye. "That is pretty cool, but now you gotta go get it." Percy said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "Not done yet." I said, watching as the trident began to shake. Soon it sailed out of the target and back to my hand. "Wow, That is cool." Percy said with a small smile. Maybe having a brother wouldn't be so bad after all.

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