Chapter nineteen: Everything is not as it seems

Start from the beginning

"Samantha! It's been far too long!" As her mother reached forward for a hug, the girl avoided the contact and stood firmly before her.

"Mother, I don't have time to play silly games. I've brought what you asked, now please, may I have it?"

Her mother pondered the question for a few moments before nodding.

"You may, he'll be of great service."

Samantha smiled greedily as her mother passed over a yellow hair clip.

"I've been waiting for this moment for what seems like forever!" she clutched the object in her palm and glanced up.

From then, Adrien was placed in a room with no windows, hell it didn't even contain any furniture. He was alone for most of his time there, until he was suddenly pulled out to be placed in yet another room only this time he was acquainted with company.

"M-Mom?!" His green eyes grew wide as they searched for a reason across her face. She replied with a small smile and hug that seemed to last for eternity but Adrien didn't mind, he finally had his mother back and he wasn't going to let go any time soon.

Their embrace came to an end and one burning question remained; why was she with Samantha's mother of all people?

"Well," she started, staring down at the tile flooring. "It's a bit complicated but it seems we have time, no?" she let out a gentle laugh and closed her eyes.

Jess explained everything in exceptional detail, something Adrien would never forget if he could help it. Once she was finished, everything seemed so clear to him. He could finally understand why she had to keep her distance, she cared more about Adrien's safety than her own which resulted in the teen hugging her tightly.

"But why are you with her?" with a tilt of his head, Adrien asked her what had plagued his mind while she explained.

"She knows who you are, chaton..." Jess whispered softly, hanging her head low.

"W-what do you mean?" His voice wavered slightly as he waited for her reply.

A pair of green eyes met his own. "Samantha and her mother both know you're Chat Noir."

Adrien's face grew pale. "But how can that be...? Wait-" he rubbed his temples slowly. "How do you know?"

"You think I wouldn't keep my eye on you while I was gone? How do you think you received those powers to begin with?" she chuckled softly, easing the boy's nerves.


"Don't get me wrong, I always knew you were capable of gaining thepowers on your own, but I pushed the idea a bit to Master Fu."

"Master who?"

"In time, you'll know who I'm talking about."

Once the sentence had been said, the door creaked open to reveal Samantha's mother, who conveniently does not have a name right in this moment.

"Jessica, it's time."

Adrien glanced back at his mother with a confused look. "Time? Time for what?"


"Medicine. Don't worry about it."

Without another word, his mother was swept out of the room leaving him alone. His mind began to wander as if often did and it dawned on him. Adrien was only there to give Samantha's mother information regarding the new Chat Noir and his own mother was the bait on the thick line he could just barely make out.

"There's no way in hell that I'm letting her stay here to keep me safe. She's done enough for me as it is..." and with this in his mind, Adrien sought out a plan to get back home.

Now, the only way I could possibly know any of this is if I had the information given to me and that's exactly how I received it. From the moment Samantha left, her phone was accidentally given to the blonde himself, a risky move if you ask me. Since the girl is (was) my brother's girlfriend, my number was on her contact list and while Lucas and I were trying to comfort Marinette at the hospital, I received a phone call from the sunshine boy and with a frantic 'hello' on his end, our plan was set... although it took quite a long delay to begin. Five years later, and it was finally time to set things into action. Five years for some stupid plan? Yeah, sounds like probably the worst idea ever, however, the worst of it all was what Adrien intended to happen. Insert Mason; the complete opposite of Adrien. He stood a few inches shorter than the other, his eyes resembled the sky when rain clouds covered it, and his hair... well, let's just say it was far from the golden locks Adrien sported. Dark as night and naturally straight as a two by four board. How Adrien met Mason was a complete mystery but he was grateful when the other agreed to his plan and so things went started without a hitch.

Oh yeah! The gracious author has clued me in on how to end this chapter; cliffhanger. I know the readers have been agonizing each and every one but trust me, this one will have your brain hurting and the best part? There won't be an explanation until the next chapter! So here it is...

Back in France, a spoiled blonde by the name of Chloe Bourgois learned of her (by a few months) younger half-sister. The two both shared the same blonde mane while their eyes were unlike. Chloe's mirrored the blue in the sky after a heavy rainfall while her sister's were the same as sea after calming from the same heavy rainfall.

Long story short... Chloe and Samantha were similar in many ways... Can you guess how?



About this story... things are getting... dull? It's not really the word I want to use, but honestly, things are getting that way which is why I was wondering if I should create an entirely new story, with a different plot, same characters, sort of, and to top it all off, the same damn prolouge... heh...

Anyways, let me know if that's something you guys would consider reading and don't worry, I plan on finishing this story before getting into the other.


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