Danielx Reader x David

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I got out of the kids grasp and bent down to Max's level, and place a hand on his shoulder. "Look Max. I trust you, and any other camper. But sometimes, you just have to give people a chance! Appearance shouldn't matter when you meet new people!! So, I'm giving him a chance." I stand up and walk next to Daniel, placing an arm around his shoulder. "Daniel, my apologies. I'm sorry they are acting negative towards you."

"Oh don't worry!! They're just ragging on the new guy!! That's why as my first day as counselor, I've made a few activities that will cleanse us from our negative emotions!!!"

"That's great Dan!!! C'mon kids!! Let's get involved in some activities today!!"

He blushed, probably because of the short nick name I gave him. "Fuck that shit!!! If you won't listen to us, we'll just tell David!!" Max and his partners ran off to go find David. I sighed and held Daniel's hand, with both of my hands.  I looked into his eyes," I'm deeply sorry about their behavior!! They are never like this!! How about we continue? Hopefully the rest will behave!!" I said glancing at the rest of the kids. They all nodded.
"It's a- okay (y/n)!!! I'm sure the rest will behave!! First things first, we'll build a sauna!! That will help us relax!! I hear that they are soothing, and it will clear our minds a bit!!"
I smiled at the thought. " Sounds like a great idea Danny!!! I- I can call you that right?"
"Oh it's alright! You can call me anything!! And I love your enthusiasm!!"
I smile at him, then at the kids," C'mon!! We have a sauna to build!!"

/////////////////////~Time skip~\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

"Great work everybody!! We did great!! What's the next step Danny?"

"Oh! I just need to plug in a few things, and code it, and it'll be ready!!"

"Alright!!," I faced in the direction of the kids," you all did wonderful!! I think after we get in the sauna, you all deserve a treat!!" They all cheered.

"Ooh!! Extra dessert?!!!" Said space kid.

"Edible food?!!" Said Erid.

"Going into town?!!"

"Actually, all those ideas sound nice!! I'll consider them!!" Just as I finished speaking, Daniel walked up to us.

"It's ready!! Now who wants to go first?"

I raised my hand along with Space k. "Aww how sweet of you two!! In ya go!!"
He took space kid's helmet off. Then he somewhat pushed us in. I think the door locked behind us. We heard yelling from the outside and banging on the door.
"Get out quick (y/n)!!! It's a trap!!"
Smoke filled in our lungs. And words that we heard clearly.
"You love Daniel. You are safe. You love Daniel. You are safe." It was like that for a few more seconds. Then- I love Daniel. He opened the door for us.
"We love Daniel!!"

"Oh fuck that shit!!!!" The kids screamed, but I caught them all before they left anywhere. "Aww kids!! What's the rush? Don't you want to feel safe too?" I shoved what I had in the sauna, as did Daniel and Space kid. Later they came out looking like us. And feeling, safe. "We love Daniel!"

"Oh perfect!! Now come along everyone!! Let's get set up for a celebration, to prepare for ascension!!"

~Daniel's Pov~

"Oh perfect!! Now come along everyone!! Let's get set up for a celebration, to prepare for ascension!!" I snaked an arm around (y/n)'s waist, and walked to the mess hall. She is just so perfect!! I can't wait to have her fully under my control!! I'll leave everyone dead, besides that space kid and her. We'd be so lovely in crime!! We entered the Mess Hall, and started to decorate. As we finished I started to talk to (y/n), and I could listen to her all day. The mischievous trio and David burst in. "Howdy David!!"
"What's all this?"

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