
We walked to the ceremony room, it was being held at the palace in Sindria. Mira smirked at me before taking a seat.

"Good luck Miss Jasmine!" Pisiti hugged me gently, well, as much as she could since she was so small. I laughed at her, "I can't get married if you don't let me go~" I childishly whined, she wiped a tear away from her face before walking away.

"It's time, you ready?"

I turned to see my littler brother walking towards me. I grinned as he smirked back, "So, you're walking me down to the alter, AND you're my husbands best man? That's responsibility!" He signed rubbing my head as if remembering something, "Yeah, It's been stressful" I took his arm as we stood behind the closed door, waiting for my signal to walk in.

"Everything is stressful to you, you're an old man in a teens body" I laughed, as he stuck his tongue at me. I returned the gesture for both of us to laugh. The music started from the other side of the door, giving us a signal to start.



Friends and Allies all stood as they heard the beginning of the music. Sinbad was sweating as if he was in Artemyra again. A laugh called his attention to behind. There was Drakon, Hinahoho, and Mystoras, it was Hina who laughed though.

" I remember when I was just as nervous as you are now. Don't worry, you'll calm down when you see her." He placed his large hand on the King's shoulder. Sin could only nod, hoping he was right.

He was nervous though, not once did he think he would get married; at least not till he realized his feelings for Jasmine. It was the only time he wouldn't care about his dream and goals, as long as she was there. Jasmine WAS his dreams and goals.

His nerves just prove how he's scared to mess it up.

He was driven out of his thoughts though as the door opened. It showed his future wife walking, arms tangled with Jafar. Who was whispering to her. That didn't matter though as he looked at Jasmine.

This morning she was just wearing a baggy shirt and shorts, now she honestly look like royalty. The dress Rurumu made, was remarkable. It was a heavenly sight to him, watching her walk down, smiling at him. Her brown hair was cut short because one of their adventures; but it was perfectly swaying behind her as if it was always like that.

Her red eyes gleamed with excitement and nervousness as well. Her mouth held a light smile, that turned into a full grin as she saw how nervous Sinbad was. It was an amusing sight, to see the man who fought countless enemies, is now having a panic attack.

Finally reaching the front, Jasmine and Jafar embraced in a hug, "Just let me know if he hurts you, I'll make it seem like an accident"

She pressed her face into his shoulder trying to hold back the laugh that was threatening to escape.

Jasmine took Sin's offered hand and Jafar walked behind of the King to watch.

"Please sit..."


After the ceremony was the celebration! It was loud and exciting, people were drinking, and dancing. Even Jafar was drinking more than usual.

The King and Queen sat together, leaning against each other, watching everyone have a blast. Jasmine was laughing at Jafar as he was flushed red, some of the women surrounding him. "Seems like Jafar is letting loose tonight" Sin joked. Jazz laughed with him, taking another drink of her wine before a voice caught her attention.

"Now, I knew you were more then friends." Harun, the King of Balbadd said. Slightly bowing to the newly married rulers.

"Harun! It's been to long!" Jasmine shouted, running to embrace the older King. He laughed as Sin walked forward to greet him as well. "It's good to see you again! I'm glad you could make it"

"I'm glad I was invited, you were both kids when I first met you. Now you're both grown, into something many could only wish for." The couple smiled at the memory, back then Harun thought they were a couple, but was wrong. Only to be prove right a few years later now.

"Now your Highness, if I could speak to you alone?" Harun asked looking down to Jasmine. She patted Sin's arm as she walked away, grabbing ahold go Harun's arm, "Of course, I'll be back Sin!"

They walked a little away before sitting down at one of the tables located outside. "First of congratulations, I'm glad you both realized your feelings sooner then later."

"Thank you, but I feel there is more to this conversation then that."

Harun's hand reached his face, face serious as ever. " It's about your heritage. Ever since you asked me to help you find your people, I looked and finally found them." Her hands slammed down onto her lap, "Really?! Where are they? "

"They...aren't alive anymore. We found remains of sirens in the bottom of the ocean." Jasmines hands let loose as she realized she was really alone. She was the last Siren alive.

"I'm sorry, it seems you are the last of your kind. Though it won't have to be like that forever." He sat up smirking. Jasmine flushed red, "N-no! I just got married! Now you're expecting kids!"

He laughed at her, "Not now, but you never know in the future." they both got up and returned to the party.

As jasmine sat down next to Sinbad, the generals all stood up to make speeches, first was Jafar

He stepped forward, face flushed from alcohol, "First I'd like to say, Jasmine....I'm sorry for whatever he does! You and I both know how me can be! Stupid, dumb, idiotic, unintelligent, no common sense, foo-" before he can finish his never ending list, Hinahoho covered his mouth and dragged him to a seat.

"Okay..."Sin laughed while sweat dropping "They do say, people are completely honest while drunk, ahaha" Jasmine laughed

Next was Hinahoho, "I've known you both, since you came to Imuchakk. The beginning of your journey, and where we all began to understand you're feelings; even if you didn't." Everyone laughed at the teasing remark.

"Sin, you have completed you dream to create a country. You have a remarkable Queen, loyal subjects, and now as King and Husband....it's you're job to take the role and protect them. Later when you decide to begin a family you'll understand more, exactly how much family impacts you life. Here is to a healthy family and future!"

"Cheers!" Everyone yelled

Next was Spartos, he came to stay at Sindria after the death of his brother, "I'm not a man of many words, but no words can describe how much you meant to me and my brother. I know he would be just as happy as I am about your union. I bless you to have a strong and forgiving marriage."


Yam-chan and Sharrkan came up together, " Sinbad, Jasmine, if it wasn't for you most of us would be sad, depressing states. You gave us the hope to wish for more. For me, you gave me a home when I couldn't return to mine." Yam-chan who grew up into a beautiful young women spoke next, " And me, it was the motherly actions you gave me. You saved me from being used and gave me a purpose."

They both bowed and recited, "Here's to your future journey and never ending love for each other!"


Drakon "I still can't believe you got married." he sighed as Sinbad laughed at one of his oldest friends. "Still, we started as enemies, Now we fight together. Jasmine, I basically took you away from Sinbad when I met you and you gave me a speech about loyalty. I understand now what you meant, and I will forever be loyal to you both my King and Queen. Here's to compromise and unwavering faith!"


lastly was Masrur, "...Congrats"


Jasmine shoved her face into Sin's chest, laughing a storm. "One simple word! Haha! that was the best one!" Sin could only laugh watching his wife legit crying at the overly simple fanalis.

"This will be a day to remember..." He muttered looking at everyone celebrating and his wife who was was talking to Masrur about his speech, trying to make him smile.



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