Chapter 2- The Oath

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Trost District, Year 845

The afternoon sun glinted off my copper hair as i walked down the street. The smells of thet afternoon whisked into my nose as the wind blew the hood of my cloak, trying to conceal my face. I hide myself under the hood of my cloak as i walk down the street, hoping i won't run into someone i know.

Ever since my father began to beat me and my sisters up, i've hidden myself from the world. I try everything i can not to look like mother, but there are the days that i can't help it. I just wish i never looked like her. All the courage my mother used to always speak of... gone.

All that's left is fear. But it doesn't really bother me much. When it creeps in on me, i welcome it like an old friend, returning from a long journey.

The bag on my back holds out our only way of surviving here. In the bag is a rabbit that i killed with a trap i had set. Even though father says not to hunt or anything, i still think that we need all the money we can for now.

Living in the Trost district is harder than you think. Even though we are a little richer than the people in Wall Maria, life still throws its sticks and stones at you. You see so many people on the streets begging for food and others proclaiming that the walls were out gods, the only thing that will save us from the terrors beyond the walls. But this is everyday life, so i better get used to it.

A wind blows the hood of my cloak back revealing my face. The braid that i had made for my hair reveals itself to everyone. A couple people recognize me and give me brief hellos. I quickly nod my head in acknowledgement and continue to walk.

I walk to the butcher shop and give the man behind the counter the rabbit. His eyes grow wider to see such a plump rabbit. He smiles at me and hands me the money for the rabbit and i race outside again. I begin to walk down the street counting the money i received and figuring out what i am going to feed my three sister, myself, and Sam. That's if he even decides to come home again tonight. I quickly pocket the money and race towards the bakery.

Ever since mom died he has turned to alcohol and violence as the only thing to keep his mind off of losing mother. He still blaims the Survey Corps for losing her, but i think differently about that. Mother probably knew that she may not come back and that excursion was her last one. She knew what might happen and she died valiantly, working to make sure humanity survived a little longer.

I was totally lost in my thoughts when i bump into someone from behind. I lose my footing and fall to the ground. Smooth, Alex, lets have everyone know how much of a clutz you are. I quickly stand up and begin to apologize to the man you ran into.

My eyes grow wider when i see the symbol of the Survey Corps on the back of their jacket. I begin to back away slowly while the man gives me a weird look. I quickly look around, checking to make sure that Sam wasn't around. If he saw me here talking with this man i would be dead.

I quickly apologize again and race towards the bakery. When i get there i quickly purchase a loaf of bread and race home. When i walk in the door Sabrina walks over to me with a huge grin on her face.

She grabs me into a hug and i gently hug her back. She smiles at me and takes the bread from my hands and races into the kitchen. Abbie is sitting at the table while Izzy is at the counter cutting up a pheasant i killed and had stored to be eaten later. Sabrina races over and hands the bread to her older sister, and she accepts it with a small smile.

I sigh and look at the faces of my sisters. After mom died, Izzy became more quiet, and more stupid. She does stupid things, almost getting her killed a couple times. Abbie has become more of a calm, collected girl. She is nothing like the giggling squirt she used to be when she was younger. Sabrina barely remebers Marissa, but is the spark that still holds this family together... somehow. Its a miracle that we have her in this family.

From Dawn to Dusk (Levi X OC) (Shingeki no Kyojin Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora