Chapter 7: Back to the Falcon

Start from the beginning

"How?" Han asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I used this chain to choke him to death," Leia replied in satisfaction.

"Woah! Awesome!" Jon exclaimed. "Way to go, Mom!" Then he realized what he'd just said, and felt mortified. But it was too late. Han had heard. He got in between Jon and Leia.

"'Mom'?" he asked in confusion. "'Mom?'" Han repeated, crossing his hands to simultaneously point at both Jon and Leia. "Leia...Jon...'MOM?!' He called you 'Mom.' You really did that, Jon?"

"For Gods sake, Han, it's really not that hard," Leia said crisply. "Jon sees me as his mother, which, all things considered, I am. And he is every bit my son that he is yours."

"Ok, but...this is a surprise for me," said Han. "I guess things really have changed since I've been gone."

"Yes, they have, Dad," Jon chimed in at that moment. "But can we talk about this again later? Like, back at the Falcon, maybe?"

"Yeah, sure, Jon," said Han. "Ok."

"Luke, Lando, how much further do we have to go?" asked Jon.

"Shouldn't be too long now," replied Lando. "And Han, thanks for saving me back there.  I'm glad you're vision's back."

"So am I," said Han. "Guess I owe you some thanks too, Lando. And an apology. Jon told me about everything you've done in my absence."

"Figured if I left you frozen like that, you'd just give me bad luck for the rest of my life," Lando said, clapping Han on the back. "So, I might as well get you unfrozen soon, as later."

"He means 'you're welcome,'" Leia said with a smile. "We all mean 'you're welcome.'" Then she kissed Han for only the second time since his rescue.

"Hey, Luke, you've been quiet," Jon acknowledged as he moved closer to his friend. "How's your hand?"

"What happened to Luke's hand?" asked Han.

"It got shot back on the sail barge," Luke answered.

"Well, kid, we'll fix you up quickly back on the Falcon," Han promised. Luke was covering his hand so no one could see it was the robotic one. Jon was about to tell his father that Luke's hand would require more advanced care than what was available on the Falcon, when Luke began speaking again.

"My hand is fine," he reassured his friends. "Also , while the rest of you take off on the Falcon, R2 and I will be heading out in my X-wing for an errand."

"What kind of errand?" questioned Jon. "And I just figured out something. When you, R2 and 3-PO left the other morning, it was so you could go build your new lightsaber, wasn't it, Luke?"

The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 3: Return of the JediWhere stories live. Discover now