Ana sat cross-legged on her bed, nursing a cup of tea while Henry's book lay in front of her. She figured that he must have been the one who had given it to her based on their conversation about fairytales earlier that day and the child-like handwriting on the note. Her curiosity got the best of her as she opened it to a random page and began to leaf through it. She quickly ended up enthralled in the tales. She knew it was ridiculous for someone her age who had come from a land filled with magic to be so entertained by silly fairytales but she had grown up without the stories and legends that most other children were told when they were young, so the mystical tales captivated her the way they would a small child.

When she got up for a refill a breeze drifted in through the open window and flipped the pages of the Storybrooke. She returned and got herself comfortable, and went back to reading when an image on the page startled her. Sitting right in front of her, was the image of a man she thought she would never she again. Her mind began to race as she studied the image. The resemblance was faint but it was still enough to catch her attention.

It must be a coincidence, she thought, trying to come up with some sort of explanation. She knew there was only one way to prove it.

Setting her cup aside, her fingers turned the pages furiously, desperately searching for the one tale she knew better than anyone. When she found it she slammed the book shut in shock, kicking it away from her. She pulled her knees into her chest and buried her face in them. A tear streamed down her face because printed on those pages was the story. Her story.

Their story.

She had to admit that the landing was much softer than she expected.

Jefferson had somehow timed their drop so that they landed in the back of a wagon that was transporting straw. He let out a groan as Ana landed on top of him. She blushed before rolling off of him and onto the hay. Once they had both sat up she asked, "How did you know this would be here?"

"I didn't," he admitted gruffly. They were interrupted by shouts as the people who must have been at the door discovered where they gone. Jefferson's earlier urgency returned as he turned to her and said, "When I tell you go, I want you to jump out of the cart and run into the woods. Don't look back."

She hoped he didn't hear the worry in her voice as she asked, "Will you follow me?"

"You'll just have to trust me," he replied eerily.

They rode the cart into the woods with the men trailing not far behind them. Ana was poised at the side of the cart, her anticipation growing as she waited for him to give her the signal. Once they were fully submerged by the trees he shouted for her to go and she leapt over the side, taking off as soon as her feet hit the ground. She ran as fast as her feet would carry her, imagining she was five years old again, racing through town alongside Tom. Her blood pounded in her ears as her adrenaline pushed her on. Eventually she reached a break in the trees and she came to a halt. Her breath came in short pants as she looked around the clearing. It was beautifully spotted with assorted wild flowers with insects dancing around them. Her brief moment of peace was interrupted by someone barreling into her from behind.

She was knocked to ground and slightly crushed by her aggressor's weight. Once he lifted himself from she turned so she was on her on her back and found herself face to face with Jefferson. He smirked down at her and said, "We seem to be doing a lot of this today don't we?"

She feinted annoyance and gently shoved him off of her but couldn't control her own smile too well. Once they were both right on their feet again she began to question him. "What was that about?"

"Let's just say that I didn't exactly come by that dress in the most... legal of terms." Ana narrowed her eyes in suspicion but decided to let it go. She had expected some adventure when she had agreed to leave with him, so she wasn't going to argue. "Now," he continued. "I believe we have a ball to be going to. We wouldn't want to be late." Jefferson extended his arm for her, which she gladly accepted and off they went.

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