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Annamarie held back her shock. Exo was the name of a savage creature. Who hid in the shadows of Xascon. The beast was strong, but it looked disgusting.  

Why would king Theodore take away Elduin's name? But the rest was expected.

A weird sound escaped Anakin when he heard the king's sentence.

But the man was far from done. "A traitor like you doesn't deserve to wear the King's colors."

Theodore didn't wait long before he agreed with his high lord. "I was generous enough and allowed you to wear my colors, and now I strip it from you."

Anna Marie watched in agony as her husband sliced his tabard. These colors do not matter. What matter is the effect of this on you."

Anakin wanted to insult Exo more, but King Theodore spoke first. "Wise words Lord Vulen."

Annamarie gazed back at her husband with pure sorrow. How she hoped to save her friends fate. But she was grateful for she knew that there could've been a worse fate awaiting him. But all she could've done that moment was to pray to her god. How she wanted to sacrifice her life to see Theodore burning in hell.

Seconds later Theodore spoke again, "As for you Exo. You are sentenced to live in shame, and you won't live long. You shall live the rest of your days regretting this.

Annamarie gave her friend a side glance. She felt sorry for him. He would never have a home nor a kingdom. And his death wouldn't mean anything.

Theodore was far from done. "I banish you permanently to Xascon to spend the rest of your useless days serving me in the Royal army."

Annamarie gasped hearing the king's words. He planned this. That moment she was confident that the King intended this. Elduin was not banished because he only insulted Ivran, but because he refused to serve under the king's army. The king was a smart man, and this was the only way.

"And your dear Lady Annamarie shall remain here. Where you cannot protect her, that's is another shame for you to live with Exo."

Theodore threated Annamarie. It was clear as the day that if Elduin did not follow the King's order his lady's life would be on the line.

Annamarie gazed openly at the King. Her husband tried to stop her, but she did not fear the King's wrath.

"And I have great plans for you Exo. You shall be sent to the furthest point in Xascon. You'll be sent to the ancient forest. There everything would be up to you. You can decide to live or die. I dare you to make a decent life for you there."

Illyria turned to face her father the moment the door shut behind the Exolias and the prisoner. She whispered in fear. "My King, we spoke about this with the Archmage Elion. I thought that we agreed not to poke the beasts in Xascon! At least not now. We still don't hold control over Xascon."

Theodore hissed, "Don't question me! I know exactly what I need to do. All this need to be done now. Xascon is a savage land and won't be claimed with your hesitant and fear. I've been the king for almost five hundred years. I don't take anything lightly."

"Father, I'm worried about you! You don't -"

He shook his head. "I don't want to hear another word." His tone was made of pure anger. And Illyria understood his anger. Her father always had control over everything in his kingdom, and she felt that Xascon was getting out of his control. Or it wasn't ever under his command not even for a second. That land answered to no one. And honestly, they could never find it's most valuable treasure. It was as if the land was hiding everything from them.

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