Chapter 4

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Hey Guys!

Im sorry for such a long wait! I really am. I stopped writing because of personal things but Im back now and I promise I will keep updating frequently!




While I waited for this Sex Lord-esque man I started feeling nervous for some reason. Why am I suddenly caring about my appearence? I NEVER care. I suddenly got lost in thought when I hear him say:

"Hey baby girl, long time no see."

"Well thats very sarcastic of you, but yes, long time no see"  I replied sarcastically.

"What'd you do today?" he said

"Is it any of your buisiness?" I snapped for no reason and instantly regretted it 

"Damn lil' Kendra has a bite to her" he replied mockingly

"I'm sorry I've kinda had a bad day and don't call me 'lil' its just Kendra" I said

"Well bad days are my specialty. Tell me all about it" he said with the most beautiful crooked smile I have ever layed eyes on.

Then as we walked to my home I got to telling him about the Trisha incident to which he said "White girls are crazy" and I said "Hey I'm a white girl!!!". He said "But are you crazy? Because if you are you best tell me right now so I can leave" then he chuckled and I laughed.

Wow, I laughed. It has been so long since I laughed like this, wholeheartedly I mean. Sure, I laugh all the time with my friends but this is a different kind of laugh you know? 

When we got to the front gate of my house he looked a bit startled. 

"Whats wrong?" I asked

"Nothing, nothing is wrong its just that I can't believe you live here. No offense but you dont look like you live here." He said staring at me and my house in disbelief.

"None taken, but why do you say that?" I asked

"You just don't look and act as if you're rich. You're so humble and nice." He said making me turn as red as a tomato. 

"Well, most rich kids are spoiled brats when their parents can't give them enough attention, but with me its different because even though my parents are never around and  I have the money to be spoiled i choose not to. I like living a simple life." I explained

He was in shock. Yup, shock. I waved my hand in front of his face.


"Oh, I'm here. I just cant believe you're so perfect." He said making me turn as red as a tomato.

I looked at the ground and he said "Um, I hope this doesn't bother you but, would you go out on a date with me this Saturday?"

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets and I swear almost pooped my pants.

"Um, sure, I guess." I said shyly

"Great! I'll pick you up around 9:00? I kinda wanna take you dancing." He said with his right hand gripping the back of his neck ever so slightly, a bit nervous I think.

"9 it is, see you then" I tried to say as sexily as I could but all the sexiness went to shit when I tripped on a rock. 


He chuckled and said "See you saturday Kendra" and left. Leaving me longing for another kiss on the cheek like the one he gave me this morning... 

OH MY BEJEEZUS'S! I have a date! on saturday! with a sex lord! and me! what do i do? what should i wear? whats gonna happen? OH God I don't know how to dance, I'm calling Ellie.



"See you saturday Kendra" Oh my fucking lord she is so perfect.

"Wait dancing? I'm taking her dancing? Wow dude thats a shitty date. Cheapo. You could've at least taken her to dinner." I thought to myself as I got home. 

Kendra, I think I'm gonna like her...


Hope you guys liked it! There is  more where this came from! Do what you do best my loves!




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