Chapter 2

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Hey my beautiful readers!

Sorry for not uploading in a long time!

Hope you like this!

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Kendra's POV

After I went back to my normal self I went to school with a huge smile plastered on my face. Only to be recieved by my three best friends scolding me because I was fifteen minutes late.

I didn't really notice that I was tardy. Maybe my Chemestry teacher Mr.Robbinson didn't say anything because my parents would easily dismiss him of his work for a week without pay. Oh well...

The day passed by quickly and it was already lunch time. As I walked to the cafeteria -which included a Burger King a Panda Express a Taco Bell a McDonald's and a Subway- I was speaking with Gabrielle about what had happened earlier at the subway, about Josh.

"You shouldn't let stragers grab your hand and kiss your cheeks it is NOT healthy. You don't know were he has been young lady!" She scolded with her heavy brittish accent.

"It's like I couldn't help it Ellie. He was just so gorgeus I couldn't just tell him to back off!!!" I said over-excited calling her by her nickname.

She grunted and said "Whatever. What do you feel like eating today? I want a sub from Subway, you want to share?"

"Um no, I think I'll pass on the sub for today. I want a Big Mac. See you at the table?" I replied and asked.

"Sure thing, see you in fifteen" she yelled over her shoulder.

As I was waiting for my food in McD's I thought about that boy, Josh. How his eyes were so bright and full with something I couldn't figure out...

Was it how they always looked? Or is it just me imagining things?

I can't take him off my mind...

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Josh's POV

I skipped school today and hung around my little sister's pre-school for a while and played with the kids. The teacher didn't mind since she was a friend of my mom's.

When I left the pre-school it was already noon and I was hungry. I thought I would just go home and eat some of those rozen pizzas or a sandwich or whatever I could find.  

As I walked home I thought about that girl, Kendra. I was thinking about how I saw her on the floor looking all over the place. 

When I grabbed her hand I felt sparks... Which led me to kissing her on the cheek and calling her beautiful...

I'm a badass but I like helping people, but this one I was sure is different.

Oh boy, way different.

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I hoped you liked this one even though its really short!

I'll be uploading regularly from now on!







love you all!


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