Doctors Son

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She didn't ask to be in here. She didn't want to be in here. In fact, She has been figuring out ways to break out for many years. Or months, or weeks, or days, or hours, or minutes, or maybe even seconds. She doesn't know anymore.
She isn't like all the other girls, and even humans. She's strange. A murderous, laughing little psychopath. A beautiful tea cup that cracked long ago. Cute little heart that got ripped up by the wondrous actions and thoughts of the world.
A beautiful, delicate, insane little girl.
When She came here she had no name. No written documents, no family, no friends, no birth certificate.
Therefore, an Italian doctor names her Zurlo.
"She's one of the most psychopathic patients here now."
Doctor Feliciano said after interviewing her. People would say that he never was the same after that. More jumpy, less sociable, barely wanted to visit patients. His son, who works beside him in the asylum, especially noticed the changes in his father.
In fact, he had to pick up for his slack. He would visit patients on matters of behavior if his father thought it not dangerous.
"Aethos." His father would scold him if he went near Zurlos room. "Don't go near that room." He would simply demand and walk off.
"Thanks, dad." Aethos wouldn't sulk for the rest of the day, however. Despite his fathers unsocial tactics Aethos ended up being to use to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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