Experienced Virgin

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This story is made from fictional people, names, businesses, incidents, events, places, etc are all kellyjflynn's imagination and ANY similarity to actual persons, living or dead are of pure coincident.

All rights including the copyright in the content of my story are owned by kellyjflynn. ANY violated acts of this law shall come to the maximum of copyright penalities. It is illegal to copy or steal this and produce it as your own.

© 2014 Kellecia Flynn. All rights reserved. Subject up to 10 years in jail and/or a fine of $200 to $150,000 for each work infringed. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in case of brief quotes embodied in this story.

Basically it's saying you cannot steal any part of my work without my permission or you will be fined and/or sent to jail.

I'm pretty sure going to jail and being fined is not worth stealing my story, so you shouldn't.

I lifted up my head from my oh so soft pillow, and glanced around my dark room looking for the sound I thought I had heard. The sound came again and I let out a sigh already knowing who it was.

"Motherrrrrrr!" I whined switching on my bedside lamp while rubbing my eyes and then proceeding to stare at her as if demanding to know why she was in my room. But there was no need, I knew what she was doing in my room. She did it every year on my first day of school, it was quite annoying.

"Happy first day of school my angel cakes," my mother exclaimed happily. She made her way over to and gave me a great big hug. "So what are you wearing today? What do you want to eat honey? Oh and are you going to drive to school today or should the driver? Oh honey you better start getting ready now, it's 6:00 am-"

"Mother... please stop... like right now."

"Right okay I'll go ask Carrie to make you something to eat, I'll be back in an hour honey." And with that my mother finally left me alone to think.

I was really excited for senior year, but not why you think; leaving high school meant I could get away from my stupid high school filled with immature egotistical people. I honestly don't know how I could survive this hell hole we call high school without my two best friends, Jacob Carlos and Stacie David.

I'm Josephine Edom, I am seventeen and I'm a pretty plain person, well at least in my opinion; my parents and best friends say I'm pretty, but they have to say that. Yes as you probably have already guessed I come from a rich family, but I honestly don't let that define me so I dress only in what I feel comfortable in which is sweatshirts, and baggy sweatpants and I made it my job to make sure only my best friends know about my family's fortune, I would not want anyone liking me only for my money.

"Miss. Edom your mother wants to know if you are getting ready." Carrie the housemaid called out through the intercom.

I sighed and got out the bed to make my way over to the intercom, "I'm getting in the shower now."


"She's in her room." I heard Carrie say from downstairs, I heard two footsteps which confirmed my assumption. I grabbed my phone and bag and rushed over to my bedroom door opening it hastily to greet my best friends.

"Tell me Miss. Josephine Edom how does it feel to now be a SENIOR," Stacie asked putting an invisible microphone to my mouth.

"Eh,' I answered pushing past them and making my way downstairs.

"Eh? What do you mean eh?" Stacie questioned, her and Jacob on my heel.

I stopped abruptly and turned to face them, "I mean senior year isn't really a big deal to me."

"And why not?" Jacob questioned.

"Cause I have more important things to worry about-"

"Like what Edom? You already finished college applications and you have all your credits since Junior year andddd you already passed all your tests, you could graduate early if you wanted." Stacie pointed out.

I had to admit I was feeling a bit too perfect. I wanted to be a teen and life and be adventurous and rebellious. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to at least experience the fun stuff your suppose to have in high school.

"I mean... what fun could I have in senior year? Everyone already knows me and what much fun is the loser girl going to be? I won't be invited to anything because they think I am a dork, I can't just change the way they think about me.

"Yeah, but you can change your name and appearance to make them think your someone new," Jacob suggested.

"Oh yeah and how am I suppose to do that?

Author's note- Not really long, but it was just suppose to be like a preview. Hope you like it comment, vote and follow.

:) byeeeee

Experienced Virgin (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now