Chapter 3

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Two is Better Than One - Boys Like Girls ft. Taylor Swift

UNI - Ed Sheeran

Flapper Girl - The Lumineers

Iris - Sleeping with Sirens

Chapter Three

January 7

"Mom's asking if you're all packed up," Seth, my fifteen year old brother, asks me.

I look up from my phone, feeling a bit disappointed with mom, and myself. She hasn't been talking to me since that night due to my idiotic move and it just felt wrong. And even though I am a bit disappointed with myself, I can't help but feel angry with my mom. I've been a goody two-shoes for almost my whole life, and just one teeny wrong move and now she thinks I'm this rebellious badass who "has no future and is probably going to end up as a prostitute".

"I am," I answer Seth, after a few minutes of him just staring at me, waiting for an answer.

He studies me then scratches his neck, "You could've at least apologized to her, you know?"

My jaw drops and my eyes widen. Apologize? How many times have I done that?

"I did! Like gazillion times now!," I exaggerate. He just looks at me, amused. "What does she want me to do? Kneel before and offer her a million dollars for her forgiveness?"

"C'mon, you know Mom," he tells me. "It takes something like that to earn her forgiveness."

"Don't I know it," I mutter as I get up from my bed and trotting over to my suitcase. "What time is our flight anyway?"

"In about two hours," Seth says nonchalantly. He lay on my bed, messing up the sheets that I carefully fixed. I give him a glare and he just chuckles. " did vodka taste exactly?," he asks.

"Get out of my room," I mutter bitterly. "Now."

Seth holds up his hands, "Fine, fine, Jesus."

He opens the door and takes one long glance at me, "I think you should know that you're starting to become those girls who change and become mean and rude and all that just because your boyfriend dumped you."

He gets out of my room without another word, leaving me and my dangerous thoughts alone.


"Trevor's here," Lynn announces.

I drag my heavy suitcase with me with struggle. "W-what?," I grunt.

"Trevor's here or as you prefer, The Jerk is here," Lynn repeats for me. She points at a direction at her left and ai guide my sight there. Sure enough, the messy mop of dark brown hair was present in the crowd. Those forest green eyes were hard to miss. "Have you aplogized to him yet?," Lynn asks me.

I roll my eyes. Sure, The Jerk did help me get home and I thanked him for that. And I didn't even mean to puke on him. But when I came over to the house he was staying in to apologize, all he said was: "Yeah, I carry you home and the payment for that is me being soaked in your disgusting puke. Whatever."

"I did apologize," I tell Lynn. "He just didn't accept the apology so it's his loss."

"Well, you puked on him so you can't blame him for everything."

I raise an eyebrow at Lynn. Is she really defending That Jerk over me, her cousin?

"Lynn." I tilt my head to the side. "Do you like The Jerk?"

A Year of Heartbreaks, Tears and Happily Ever AftersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant