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Why do parents always think they're like some great greek god or something?
They think that we don't have it hard.
Just because we have the technology and chances you didn't,
Doesn't mean we all have it easy.
Take in the fact we have to deal with society these days judging us all the time.
Not only that but our parents come in our faces and start judging along with them.
You're a bad daughter.
You never do anything right.
Why are you doing this.
You don't know anything.
You're worthless.
And to think, I have my own mother telling me this.
Because whenever I try to make her happy.
It always ends up with her insulting me.
Saying bad things about me.
When did I become the one to blame.
And when did you become the one to make me upset.
When did I ever ask you to become my parents.
Since now you're telling me I'm a bad daughter.
You think that by insulting me Im going to become a stronger person.
When all I wanted was a mom that cared about me.
And you just sit there doing nothing and Im just sitting here wondering.
Where did I go wrong.
When did I become the first one to blame.
Because now supposedly I can't do anything to help you out.
When everyday I have to deal with a brother that can't even learn to love me.
And you just go to your room and start doing whatever you do and pay no attention to me.
You say that you've had a rough day.
And I can't say that too since "the only thing you have to do is study."
What you don't know is that I have to deal with class after class.
Worrying that I will never make you happy.
But believe me I do try.
But I will just live with that dream to one day finally make you happy.

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