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(Okay so I kinda changed it. The way I had Anti act, I had no ideas for writing. So I just changed a lil bit at the end with him. If you even notice.)

You nervously glance around the room, looking everywhere but at them, just noticing the three different colors their shirts are. "Y/N!!!" The Slave Seller yells, noticing you. "Y-yes?" "What are you doing?! Look forward!" You face them, but look down with just your eyes. "I'm so sorry about her, you majesties. She's a little-" "Hush." the green one says. The Slave Seller nods and steps back. "Pick any you'd like." You can feel their eyes scan the room. You hope to not be picked, without thinking it. It could be better there, Hell anything's better than where you are now, but you don't wanna risk the chance of it somehow being worse.

You stand still, closing your eyes now, trying to calm your breath to draw attention away from yourself. You can hear them start to whisper to each other. "I'll take that one." the blue one speaks up. You quickly glance up to see the unlucky one. He's pointing to a girl named Andrea (Sorry BOB...) on the very end. You haven't had too many interactions with her, but you remember that she isn't afraid to speak up or defend herself. She was basically the bully of the group. You almost let yourself sigh, feeling relief of her now leaving, but hold it in. (Sorry...again...)

"And we would just like one." the green one speaks again. "Her." the red one says, speaking for the first time. His deep voice makes you shiver. You fall into a trance. You hear The Slave Seller start laughing, knocking you back into it. You then notice that everyone is looking at you. "What?" you ask, looking at the other girls. They burst into laughter. "SILENCE!" The Slave Seller yells, and the room goes silent. "Get back to cleaning!" Everyone turns to start their work, and you do too. "Andrea. Y/N. Go pack your bags. And hurry, don't make your new Masters wait." You swing back around, now realizing it. You're "her".

You stand, not moving, still in shock. "What did I just tell you, Y/N? Go pack!" You shake your head and take a step back. Looking at them, you notice the different reactions they all have. The blue one laughing, most likely at you being scolded. The green one has a genuine smile plastered on his face, looking straight at you. The red one is also staring at you. But he isn't smiling. He has this dark, intimidating look on his face and his head is tilted to the side a bit.

"I-i'll go p-pack now." you say, before running upstairs to your room. You see Andrea sitting on her bed, throwing stuff in her bag. "Can't believe we f***cking got picked. But at least it'll be better than this s***hole." (Andrea does curse like a sailor, in my defense) "Yeah. Sure." you say, very unenthusiastically. You grab your small, ripped up bag and toss it on the bed. You don't have many belongings anymore. Two pairs of clothes, a half size blanket, beat up converse, and an old stuffed animal your mom sewed you when you were born.

You gently place each of them into the bag and sigh. You hear Andrea's bag hit her shoulder before she carries it away. 'Time to go, I guess.' You close your bag, unnecessarily slowly, and pick it up. Holding it in your hands, you start your way down the stairs. You look over the room, for the last time. 'Wow, I think i'm actually gonna miss this place.' You don't know if it's from the fear of the future or the comfort of the familiar.

Suddenly, you feel the ground beneath you disappear and the next thing you know you're falling. You see green and red flash towards you. You then close your eyes, bracing for impact. You feel strong arms around you. One of the flashes caught you. Hesitantly, you open your eyes. You find yourself in the arms of the green one. He winks at you. You look over at the red one, arms still outstretched from trying to catch you. "Be more careful!!" he yells, very angrily, and then storms off.

You look back at the green one, still in his arms. He lets out a crazy laugh. He places you back on your feet. He nods towards the door, and starts walking, leading you to the exit. Outside, you see a big, long, black car. You stare at it with amusement. They shake their heads at you, annoyed. "Just get in." the green one says, with a slightly whining and mean tone. You continue to stare.

He grabs your arm and pulls you towards it. The door is swung open from the inside. You begin to step in. "The slaves have to sit on the floor." It's the blue one. You stare at him. "Anti." he says, looking past you. 'So the green one is Anti(septiceye).' you take a mental note, before getting pushed onto the limo floor, from behind. You glance up to see Antisepticeye smirking. He sits down, not looking at you now. You sit up more, trying to get comfortable. So far, they all suck. Maybe the Slave Seller was better after all.

(FINALLY UPDATED! SORRY IT TOOK FOREVER!!! Thanks for so many reads with only 1 real chapter!)

Knights in Black Armour (DarkXReaderXAnti)Where stories live. Discover now