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(You can just play the song as you read, or go to 1:00 and then 2:44 to listen to the specific lines as you read them.)

"Y/N!!!" the Slave Seller shouted, awakening you from a deep sleep. You run downstairs, terrified of the punishment you would get if you took a second longer. "There you are, you little-" she says, slapping your face. You hand quickly moves to the spot, in defense. "You look terrible! No one will want to buy you! You'll just have to stay here with me. Forever." she says, with a snicker. You hated it here. Every single day, you'd all line up for the demons, they'd pick a few, take them away, and everyone would clean and work until your fingers felt like they were gonna fall off.

The place was run by this old demon lady. The cruelest of them all. She despises humans, and has even worked them to death in the past. But she especially hated you, Y/N L/N, for being the kindest of the humans. She didn't like your rebellious nature, and optimistic tune. "Today, some very high demons will be coming...Lord Darkiplier, Lord Antisepticeye, and Lord pewDIEpie."(Please don't hurt me...I actually have no idea what his name is/what to call him. I looked for soooo long online, but I found nothing. There's so many different names people use. If you wanna tell me what the official one is, i'll fix it.)

"Dark, Anti, and DIE?!" one girl yells out. The seller gives an annoyed sigh as a response. You look over at the girl, who looks like a fangirl surrounded by her favorite youtubers. 'How does she know of these guys?' you think.

All the rest of the human slaves walk in, slumped shoulders and glum faces. "Clean this room up and make it look perfect! You have an hour!" she yells, before walking out of the room. Everyone sighs and grabs a mop or a broom or a scrub brush. You get a scrub brush, and start to clean the stair rail. You sigh, as bubbles form on the wood with every movement of the brush.

You close your eyes as you scrub and start singing a song from before the demons took over. "I know there's someone at the door. They called for help, of this i'm sure. But do I want to say goodbye, to all the glowing eyes? I'm holding on to what I know, and what I know I must let go. But I would rather play a song, for the eyes to sing along."

You keep singing, with the sweeping and splashing playing the beat. "This room is far too dark, for us to stay around. Redemption's not that far. And darkness is going down." Soon, everyone is singing along with you. "This room is far too dark. For us to stay around. Redemption's not that far. And darkness is going down."

The time seems to go by a lot faster, with everyone having fun. Soon the entire room is clean, just how it was supposed to be. Most of the girls smile at you, as everyone puts away their cleaning supplies. You sang a lot, it made being here feel a lot better. And it made everyone else feel a lot better too. But you'd never dare to sing in front of the Slave Seller. She'd choke you till you couldn't speak, let alone sing. Right as the last broom gets put away, she barges in. She looks around the room.

"Good. No one will get a beating. For now. NOW LINE UP!" Everyone rushes to get in a line. "They will be here any minute. Don't any of you embarrass me!" Then you hear the doorbell. "Oh! They're here!" she squeals, happily for once. Everyone waits, not moving a centimeter. Then they enter. The Slave Seller and three men. You immediately look away from them, without catching what they look like. 'Just don't make eye contact. Look away.' 'Are we too ugly for your taste?' you hear in your mind. You look down at your feet, pretending it was just your imagination. 'Answer me, human!'

Knights in Black Armour (DarkXReaderXAnti)Where stories live. Discover now