Chapter 29

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Bayley POV

It's been two days since the argument between Sasha and I where Sasha told me that I have to choose her or Alexa, and I still can't decide I know I truly love Sasha and want to spend the rest of my life with her and start a family but Alexa...

"UGH! This is so hard!" I say with frustration as I sit in the park bench with my head resting on my hands.

"Are you okay?"

I raise my head up and turn to my left side and see a teenage girl with blond hair, blue eyes and look to be about seventeen years old.

I shoot her a  small smile, "I'm fine." I simply answer back she nods in response and the two of us sit in silence watching as people pass by.

I slightly turn and see that she is sketching on her notepad, "So you're an artist?" I randomly blurt out.

"Yeah when I was in middle school my art teacher was really impressed by my artwork that she suggested I should show it at our art gallery at school." She replied, "So did you present it at the art gallery?" I asked curiously.

"I wasn't planning to but my best friend submitted my artwork behind my back because she said I was amazing artist and everyone should see it." She answered.

I smiled, "She sounds like a great friend." I complimented, "Well she was my best friend but now she's my... she's my girlfriend." The girl confessed surprising me.

"Congrats." I answer back, "Thank you, it took me awhile to figure out she was the one for me but I'm glad we're together." She exclaimed smiling.

"What do you mean it toke you awhile?" I ask curiously, "I was in a relationship with her uncle so I wasn't aware of her feelings towards me." She explained shocking me because she went through the same thing I'm going through right now.

"How did you figure out your feelings towards her how did you figure out she was the one you wanted to be with and not her uncle?" I ask hoping that she could help me.

She looked at me and a look of realization hit her, "Your going through the same thing huh?" She asked and I nodded.

"I been dating the same girl for five years and next week is our anniversary which will make six years of us dating but a couple of weeks ago my friend confessed her feelings towards how she's been in love with me for three years and I love her too, she's the person I want to spend the rest of my life with and have a family with but she wants me to break up with my girlfriend because she doesn't like us sneaking around but I just can't seem to break up with her because...

"Because you still love her and the two of you have been through a lot together and have history together she was basically your first everything, right?" She said and I nodded in agreement.

"I understand that's why it was so hard for me to choose I never thought I'll be in a situation where I have too choose between two people especially with them being family and their family basically raised me that I view them as my second family." She explained.

"So how did you figure out which one you loved more?" I asked hoping that I can find the answer.

"Well I was still confused I didn't want to hurt either one of them but I knew I had to choose so my closet friends helped me out." She said.

"How did they help you figure it out?" I ask, "They helped me realized who I can't live without, who's always been their for me since the start, who's always believed in me, showed me that hope isn't for suckers, that brought out the best in me, the one person who understands me better than I do." She stops and faces me with a smile on her face.

"She's the one person who I can't imagine a world without because my world needs her in it." She said and pulled out a small box and opened it and inside was a ring.

"I'm only eighteen years old and I may be too young to know what Love is but when I'm with her I feel like it's just me and her and nothing us matters expect us." She explains and puts the small box inside her backpack and picks up her sketchbook and pencil and stands up.

"I hope that I helped you." She said I get up as well, "Yeah you did, and I hope everything goes well with your relationship and that your girlfriend is lucky to have you in her life." I exclaim she smiles and sticks her hand out and we shake hands.

"Sometimes we have to say goodbye before you can say hello." She says once we let go just as she starts to walking away.

"Wait you never told me your name!" I exclaim but she just keeps walking I look down and see the a piece of sketchbook paper I pick it up and smile at the artwork I look up and see that she's gone.

I smile and fold the paper up and put it in my pocket I pull out my phone unlock it and go to my contacts and click on the name.

I wait patiently for the person to answer but it goes straight to voicemail.

"Hey Alexa we need to talk it involves our...  just call me back because this is a conversation we need to talk in person so please call back." I explain and end the call and put my phone away and leave the park.

Sasha POV

I was watching tv and thinking back to the argument that happened between Bayley and I and as much as I want to call Bayley and see if she's made a decision I know that I should give her time.


I get up and start heading towards the door thinking it's Bayley.

"Bay..." I stop mid sentence when I open the door and see it isn't Bayley but Alexa.

She pushes me inside the hotel and slams the door hard.

"What the hell is your problem." I say loudly as I push her back.

Alexa glares at me and I glare back with so much hatred.

"I know about your secret relationship with Bayley!" Alexa announces surprising me.

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