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                                                                              CHAPTER 17

                                                                          THE PRESENT

I am in H.E and there is no sign of Shane.

"Cassie, I think you will just have to work on your own seeing as Shane hasn't turned up yet" Mrs MacCaw says. So I start to get all the ingredients I need off of the table and then Shane walks in.

"Why are you late Mr Holmes?" She asks him and Shane's looks at her like a rabbit caught in headlights.

"Ermm----I---I----was----Taking a piss?" Shane stumbles to say.

"Okay Shane this one time I will let you off. However, you will be getting a warning for swearing at me" She says and Shane sulks away from her and stands next to me.

"Hi" I say, trying to break the awkward silence between us.

"Hey" Shane answers with a sigh.

"why are you late? Did the coach want to speak to you or something?" I ask.

"No, it doesn't matter" He says and then rakes his hand through his hair.

"About what happened-" He begins but then I cut in.

"It never happened?" I ask and Shane nods.

"So.........What we cooking?" He asks, trying to change the subject and I point to the recipe.

"Cupcakes" Shane says and he grins at me.

"With butter icing" I say and Shane laughs.

"I don't think anyone will be too pleased if we started a cupcake war" He chuckles and I laugh remembering.

We start to make the cupcakes. As we mix the batter, Shane then makes his spoon 'Accidentally' Slip and so I have batter all over my arm.

"ewww! You are dead" I say and I get my spoon and put a generous dollop of batter onto Shane's arm. We laugh and then Shane sticks his hand into the tub of flour and flings a large cloud of floury dust and me. I then get his back and we laugh hysterically as we throw ingredients at each other. By the end, We both have enough cupcake batter to make two cupcakes each. We put them in the oven and then clean ourselves up.

Shane splashes my face a little with water and I squeal and splash him back. Once we clean our dishes and ourselves for that matter we get our cupcakes out of the oven. I look around and everyone else has ten perfect cupcakes. Then I look at Shane and I's. We have four half burn cupcakes all together. But we don't care. We get the butter icing and decorate one each. Then I take Shane's other cupcake and he takes mine. I then write 'Your cupcake' On his and Shane has written 'Horney Holmes' on mine. We laugh and both eat a cupcake.

Once the bell rings to signal that it is the end of the day, everyone starts to leave. However, Shane grabs my hand before I can.

"Could I meet you on Friday?" He asks me and I smile.

"Yeah sure, have you got an early birthday surprise for me?"

"Yeah" Shane says and I start to get excited.

"Where will we meet?" I ask him and Shane ponders for a second.

"Your place?" He asks and I say yes.

It's Friday. One day before my birthday! I'm super excited and I feel like I am either going to explode or throw up. It will be the best party ever and nothing can ruin it.

Once Shane arrives he has a large grin on his face. We go into the living room and I sit on the couch. Shane then tells me to close my eyes.

"I'll be right back, don't peek!" He says and I sit, motionless, waiting.

Then I hear Shane's feet come through the house again.

"" He says and I open my eyes. I stare and there is a basket with a red and white cloth over it. I gently pull the cloth and inside there is a fluffy white blanket. On that blanket however is a whole different story. I squeal. A small black kitten is curled up sleeping right in the middle of the basket.

It takes my breath away.

" I mean---a kitten---oh Shane!" I say and I throw my arms around his neck. Shane stumbles back a little then he wraps his arms firmly around me as if he never wants to let go.

"I thought you would like it" He whispers in my ear. I kiss him on the cheek and then go back to the kitten. It wakes up to reveal its shining turquoise blue eyes. It makes a small attempt of a meow and then stumbles it's way onto my lap. I then wrap my hands around the tiny creature and I kiss her.

"So, you got a name yet?" Shane aske me and I grin.

"Cupcake" I say and Shane smiles.

"Okay, so I'm in a room with two of the most gorgeous and cutest cupcakes by far" He says and I peck his cheek again. This is by far the best birthday present ever.

Hey all my kittens!! Sooo... Cassie got a kitten!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDD I don't know about you guys but I would be pretty happy if I got a kitten from a guy wouldn't you?? Sadly though I am forever alone!!! DX Hahaha! Anyway, please vote, comment and follow me!! It would mean sooooooo much!!!

Yours truly and forever Kitty :3

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