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Hey Kittens!!! This is back to Cassie's POV :3         

This chapter  contains some sexual intentions. (More sexual than Shane and Mick put together!) Please if you are the type of person that cant handle these type of chapters then I would suggest you miss out this one. It isn't that bad however some of you may find it too rude to read. For that reason please don't feel any need to read this to understand the plot as you will understand the plot in the next chapter even if you read/don't read this one.                                                              

                                                                      CHAPTER 15

                           P.S I LOVE YOU GOT ME GROUNDED FOR LIFE

It's Wednesday. My birthday is in exactly one week, three days. I am in the canteen with Shane, planning everything down to the very last detail.

"So how about fairy light?" I say and Shane grins.

"That would be cool! We could put them going through the trees" He says and I nod in agreement.

After a few hours we have planned out most of the details but now we are trying to figure out who I will invite. Like I mentioned before, I am not the most popular of people so we are starting to write a list. The main names being my family members, Shane and his family (Excluding the scumbag Jack of course) Mick and a few of his friends.

"Is there anyone at all in your classes that you count as a friend?" He asks me.

"Ermm..... Lucy?" I say. Lucy is a quite girl with short brown hair that ends by her shoulders. She used to be a popular girl and was part of the cheerleaders but once we came back from spring break she went from popular to loser. We have been paired up quite a bit in classes for tasks so I have gotten to know her quite well however I still don't know why people don't like her. She is really nice in my opinion.

"Oh god not her of all people" Shane complains and push him lightly.

"What's so wrong with her" I ask and Shane looks sheepish but then sighs to himself.

"She just isn't the best of people" He says lightly and I give him a funny look. Why is he so against Lucy?

"Will she cramp your style?" I tease. Shane laughs.

"No she just doesn't care for me too much and I try to avoid her at all costs as well" He admits.

"Why?" I ask and Shane doesn't look at me.

"No reason" He says and then he starts talking about other things to change the subject.

After a while I have around thirty people altogether on a list of who I will invite. I am quite pleased that I have these many people that I can actually stand to be with.

Once I am in my English class I ask Lucy if she would like to come.

"Yes! Oh I haven't been invited to a party in forever! Thank you!" She says, beaming at me with complete joy. What's not to like about her?

Once I get home I sort out all the details with my parents and they say it is okay.

"Now Cassie, as you are turning seventeen I suppose you will be mature enough to be around alcohol, so, we will get some for your party" Dad tells me.


When Saturday comes round my birthday is only a week away!! I am lazing on my couch when my phone buzzes. Its Shane.

"Hey there cupcake" He says. I laugh and say hey to him too.

"Listen, I was just wondering if you wanted to maybe come to my house and watch a movie or something?" He asks me and I smile.

"That sounds cool" I say.

"Okay I will see you soon then cupcake" He says and we hang up.

I get ready, grab my car keys and leave. Once I get to Shane's house I realise his parents are both not here.

"Hey" He says as I come in.

"Parents at work again?" I ask and Shane nods. We then go into his room and chat.

"So you got my present yet?" I ask and Shane smiles.

"Yup. I got it all planned out" He says happy with his organised self. I smile. As I have already said before, I love surprises. And I am sure that Shane will have a great surprise for me.

 We then curl up on Shane's bed and watch P.S I love you. Throughout the whole movie Shane has his arm around my shoulder, our legs are also intertwined with each other. When the movie finishes, both Shane and I try to get up at the same time however our legs catch on each other and we fall onto the floor together, laughing until tears are streaming down our faces.

Shane then opens his eyes and stares into mine. He has a cheeky grin on his face. He leans into me and kisses me on the lips. We kiss until we are breathless. Then Shane smoothly puts his hands on my waist as I cast over him, my arms brushing either side of his face. He then pulls me by the waist so my body is lying on top of his. We kiss again and this time Shane slides his hand on my butt. He squeezes it a little and I laugh.

"Shane, I'm not a cheerleader. Don't man handle me" I breath, still a little breathless from all the kissing. Shane chuckles and kisses me again. We roll on his floor so I am lying on the ground and Shane is on top.  He gently glides his hand across my body. I have my hands holding onto his shoulders. He then holds my hand and guides it so I have my hand on his abs. I spreads my hand out so my palm brushes against all the smooth ridges of hard muscle. His skin is soft to the touch and I stroke his abs, mesmerised by them. He then kisses my neck, and moves his way around my neck and to my ear, nibbling and sucking all the while. Shane then nibbles my ear which makes me giggle. I have never experienced someone nibbling on my flesh before but I must say I am enjoying it. Shane's breathing gets heavy as his face goes across my skin, a warm breath that heats up the spots his lips press against.

His hands are sliding around my waist, travelling across my ribs and my butt. Then it happens. Shane does the one thing that turns my legs to mush and makes my heart beat the fastest it has ever beaten from all the exhilaration. He takes his top off and starts to unbutton mine. Oh god. Is this the boy I loose my virginity to? My shirt is off and Shane looks upon my almost naked top half. He smiles to himself.

"You look breath-taking" He says huskily at me. He kisses me more, each kiss making me want more. Then as my hands go around his hips, Shane rests his hands on each side of my ribs, almost touching my boobs. He rests his face gently against my neck, nibbling again.

Then Shane's door swings wide open. His Mom and Dad stand there, staring at the close to a hot mess that Shane and I are in. Shane lifts his face off of my neck and I scream, trying to cover myself. His parents then shield their eyes in horror and slam the door shut. I hear his Mom shout from what she has just witnessed.

"Shit!" Shane growls and she quickly puts my shirt back on me. My face is beyond the colour of beetroot and I grab my bag and car keys. Shane opens his door and I run out of the house and drive away as quickly as I can. I will be in the biggest shit ever if my parents find out which is most likely that they will. Goodbye birthday party, hello being grounded for the rest of my life.

Hey all my little Kittens!!! :D Hope you liked this hot mess chapter XD I know this isn't really what Cassie's character is like however she is trying new things remember so she is going to go a little out of character sometimes!! :3 Please Vote, comment and follow!!!! It would mean a lot to have more kittens!!!! :DDDDDD

Yours truly and forever Kitty :3

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