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                                                                              Chapter 6


I pack my bags. I know this sounds awful but I cant wait to leave the Holmes's house. I get evil looks from Mr Holmes because of the whole cake incident and I think he seen through my lie I told him and Mrs Holmes yesterday. Oops. Also, Shane is ignoring me and keeps on giving me these looks that make me shudder. I carry my bag down the stairs and my dad meets me at the door.

"Hey pumpkin! Did you enjoy your stay?" He asks me and I blank him and dump my bag into the car. I blanked him because Mrs Holmes was right behind me so I couldn't exactly say I had an awful time and also he called me pumpkin. I didn't mind him calling me that when I was five but now it is just cringe worthy and embarrassing. I then stand next to dad and do the polite thing of thanking Mrs Holmes for my stay and she beams at me again as if I am some angelic guardian angel or Jesus himself. I look just over her shoulder while she talks away to my dad and I spot Shane sulking into the kitchen. Dad notices him to and says "Nice to see you Shane! You have certainly grown since I last saw you" I cringe massively at this. Great small talk dad. Shane comes up and they start talking away to each other and then Mrs Holmes apologises to dad that Mr Holmes and herself weren't there more for me while I stayed as they were so busy at work.

"It was okay though because Shane kept Cassie company and made her feel happy and welcome didn't you Shane dear?" She says and Shane looks at me and I want the ground to swallow me right there and then. The looks he gives me are really making me uncomfortable.

"Yeah I suppose I did" Shane answers begrudgingly. I play along and smile...well... I awkwardly smile.

"Well I suppose we better get going" Dad says and I practically run to the car. With that, we leave. Thank God!

Its Monday and I am at my locker to get my Maths Folder and Shane comes up behind me. I turn around and he looks at me. He sighs and rakes his hand through his hair. "Look Cassie...I know that it was a pretty messed up weekend we had there but  just would prefer it if we both just forgot that it all happened. I messed up and I shouldn't have done what I did to you. I know now that kissing you want a pretty crap move for me to do so I'm really sorry" He says and I am taken aback. Is he being...mature?

"Erm Shane I-I don't know what to say" I stutter.

"I know I cant really stop you from remembering what happened but I wish I could because I know how difficult I have made your life now because of you and Jack and things like that so I'm sorry" He tells me and with that he walks away. This boy gets more confusing by the minute.

I cant stop thinking about everything that happened during maths but who actually does maths in my class anyway? Everyone is either talking to each other or daydreaming like myself. Or you are the idiot jock in my class David who is trying to balance a pencil on his upper lip to make it a moustache...Yup...there is real hope for him in the future.

The rest of school was just a stressful blur. When I got home I threw myself onto my bed and slept for three hours. I then had chicken and pasta and well...I slept for another two hours. I wake up and look at the clock 8:00pm. I grab my phone and I have a text from an unknown number. I open it and it says 'Hi its Shane. I found your number on Jacks old phone and I need a pretty big favour from you so please call me when you get this text' What the hell? Shane just went from confusing to as confusing as a rubik's cube. I call him to find out what he wants.

"Thank god you called! Okay I know this sounds weird and completely off limits and strange and I know you might hate me for what I have to say so please I beg of you hear me out okay?" He pleads.

"What do you want Shane" I say still a little tired for my two naps I had.

"Can you pretend to be my girlfriend for my cousin's party for one whole night?" He asks me and I am now completely wide awake.

"What the hell?" I begin to say but Shane cuts in "It was a bet we had! He bet me that I couldn't get a girlfriend in six weeks and his party is tonight so if I don't have a girlfriend to show him he is gonna make me full on make out with his dog Baxter but if I win the bet he has to make out with his dog so please can you please, please, find it in your heart to help me out here? Baxter is a newfoundland and his breath smells of shit" He says to me and I smile a little. "Your in a pretty tight spot aren't you?" I tease him and he whines "I know please help me!" I want to have some fun with this so I ask him some questions.

"Why did you choose me instead of one of your cheerleading girls that paw all over you all the time?"

there is silence and then Shane says "They scare me. If I was to ask one of them then she would be planning our wedding right now" I laugh at him and he laughs a little bit too.

"Okay Shane what's in it for me?" I ask him and he answers "I will give you fifty dollars" and well I take the offer because I am saving up for a really nice pair of shoes.

"Okay Shane tell me all the details on the party" I say to him.

"it's on Friday and I will pick you up at eight. You have to wear something along the lines of a dress that is nice but not too classy or makes you look like a slut. Also my cousins name is Mick. Oh and do you drink at all?" He says to me.

"Erm I haven't really gotten drunk before but I have drank a bit in the past" I lie. Okay I hugely lie. I have only ever drank twice. Once at a wedding I got a glass of white wine and I hated it and at new year I got a shot of straight vodka and I didn't like that too much either.

"Okay well be prepared for a LOT of booze. His parties can get a little out of hand so just be careful. Also it is most likely that we will stay the night so be prepared for that too." He tells me.

"Shane there is just one tiny little flaw to this" I say to him and his voice goes a little frantic.

"What, what's wrong?" He asks.

"My dad wont let me party at a strangers house and stay the night" I tell him and he laughs a little.

"I have that all figured out don't worry" He tells me. Well, I'm just going to have to trust him on that.

Hey! Hope you all liked this chapter!! Please vote. comment and message me to tell me what you think! Also please follow I always follow back!!!!!!

Yours truly and forever Kitty :3

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