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"I'll be back in a few days, my mother and I have to travel to a few planets. Royal matters, nothing too threatening." Dayanna had said. "Don't worry about me, alright?" She teased, although a part of her liked to believe he did worry about her. After what he pulled the day of the ball? He had to have felt something.

"I won't." Kylo lied.

Two days had passed since then, since he watched Dayanna board the spacecraft that would take her and her mother away. Two days since he had thought about nothing but her well being. It was hard not to, with how much time he spent with her, she practically was now a piece of him. And he hated it. He hated the feeling of worrying about someone else, the thought of having that person not beside them to ease their stress, knowing they're okay.

"One day, I will be queen of Viridis, an unstoppable force." Dayanna teased, twirling in her gown as three other girls stood beside her and laughed. "You will all bow to me." She laughed, unable to stay in character. "Oh, who am I kidding? A queen? Me?"

"You would be a lovely queen!" Naomi said with a nod, the four of them messing around within the palace's halls.

"And how do you know that? I'm only fifteen!" Dayanna shook her head, holding her gown so she could twirl around and skip within the halls, bare feet patting against the ground.

"You do help guide the planet's army. And you've brought them success plenty of times." Lula nodded. "You may be a fifteen year old and your adolescence seems like a weakness, but remember, the queen of Naboo is only fourteen and she can do it."

Taking in a deep breath, Dayanna nodded. "Age is but a number! You can achieve so much right now and in the future. And you won't be alone, you have us... the court... the people who would support you." Ayumi smiled. "And, you, yourself, Anna. You are worthy of so much. So strong and independent!"

"When the time shall come, you will be ready." Lula assured. "And you will find your viceroy one day, the right fit."

Taking in a deep breath, Dayanna smiled. "Dayanna... queen of Viridis."

Waking up to the humming sound of the Finalizer, Kylo rubbed his face. Yet another dream. They weren't common to have, but as of recently, he had them more often than not. He couldn't seem to understand why he had been dreaming about Dayanna. Let alone, a young Dayanna. As if they were memories he had stolen from her.

"Get up, Ren!" A voice called out. "There is a Resistance base that has information we need and you need to deal with it!" Groaning, Kylo sat up. It was like all he was able to do was raid planets, fight those who raided Order bases... or watch over a princess. He rued himself for the loss against the scavenger and the fall of Starkiller... maybe then he wouldn't be as miserable.

Finding himself now on the command shuttle, waiting for it to land, he rolled his neck. He wanted the fight to get over with the minute his foot touched the ground. As much as fighting on the battlefield kept his adrenaline pumping and was a way to release his anger... he found himself wanting to be... somewhere else. By the princess' side. You fool.

Igniting his lightsaber, Kylo was quick to slash through his enemies, one by one slaughtering them. It came so easily to him especially when his mind was so set on finishing. He just wanted to find whatever information they needed and head back to the Finalizer. For some reason time was going awfully slow, and the more the minutes passed, the more eager he had grown. Almost as if counting the days till he could see Dayanna again. Don't grow so damn attached, idiot.

Along the way of battling, Resistance troops had been armed with blades that could withstand the power of a lightsaber—although not as strong as Ren—one was able to disable him in time for another to move far out of his reach. At this point, he was easily outnumbered and had to rely on the Force and his own fists to get him out of the situation to retrieve his weapon.

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