Chapter 5: Her New Home

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Chapter 5: Her New Home

Robin Hood's P.O.V

After grabbing the last of the bags I took one last look at the wolf before heading down. After taking a quick look at Bella, I started laughing. Her face was priceless, she looked in shock as she surveyed her surroundings. "Wow! This is where you live?" she asked sounding as if she herself didn't believe it. I kind of expected this kind of reaction since it isn't every day you see an underground home with working electricity and such. "Yeah, I built this from an old bomb shelter that had been long forgotten, I even have running water, electricity, Internet and such." I explained while she continued to look around. I had already sorted through the bags and put the alike things together such as undergarment's and bras, socks, etc. Now we just needed to get her to her room and get her settled. "I sorted everything now let me show you to you're room and we can get you settled and this stuff put away.

I decided on giving her my favorite of all the guest rooms. It happened to be the second largest of all the bedrooms in the place, the only one bigger being mine. Out of all the guest rooms it was my favorite, the door was painted with a picture of a forest. After we got inside her jaw dropped. I was glad she liked it since this is where she would be staying for awhile. Inside the room the walls were painted in such a way that it looked like a forest, where the floor looked like it was the forest floor, looking like leaves, branches, and the soft matted earth. The ceiling was set up so that it looked like as if you were looking through the tree tops, with the sun shining through. It really looked like this since I had made sure the lights were not actually in the room but above the ceiling in cases with the 'gaps' in the trees letting the light into the room.

Furniture wise I had decided to put in a queen sized bed, the comforter had been a custom order to continue with the forest theme, making it look like it was covered in leaves and kind of making it blend into the background. The sheets of the bed were forest green satin, as were the pillow cases. Next to the bed was a simple nightstand with two draws, a lamp on top and an alarm clock. Over on the opposite side near the closet, and kinda close to the door was a desk, setup with a desktop computer, an IPod (one of the many I own,each filled to the brim with music), another alarm clock(can't have too many right?),and finally a laptop for on the go use.

A little past the desk was the closet. The closet was fairly big, and could easily have two people walking around in it without too much trouble. After she was done being amazed at the room we put away her clothes and went back out to the kitchen to grab a some cereal as a quick meal while we talked. "So, since your 14 you should be in what? 8th grade?" I asked, partly because I was curious but mostly because I needed to know if we should go shopping for school supplies in case she didn't have any. "Well, i'm actually in 9th grade since I skipped a grade." I was happy about that. It made me happy to know she took her education serious enough that she could skip a grade.

"Well then, I figure we should head out tomorrow and get you some things for school since it will be Saturday tomorrow." she was excited about it and thanked me for all I've done. She hugged me and then yawned. Looking over at the clock I realized it was close to 11pm. I decided it was time for us to go to bed for now and tomorrow we'll go shopping once again to grab some school stuff. After seeing her into bed, she quickly fell asleep. I walked out, turning the light off in the process and got ready myself. I was going to do a job tonight.

Normally I only do it when I needed something or was low on money, but seeing as how I would have someone else to take care of for who knows how long I might need some extra cash. The job was incredibly simple and their security was lax. They had a few security cameras and basic alarms on their windows, however after a bit of research I was able to figure out the cameras blind spots. As for the alarm's I had already checked previously that they only cover the first and second story windows. The tiny attic window however was left alone, perfect for someone of my size to sneak in, albeit barely. I had scoped this house out for a little while previously before deciding on the other house so I knew exactly where they kept everything. It would probably only take me about an hour and a half maybe two to get there, get in, grab some cash or other valuables, get out and then get back here.

After Donning my usual cloak and mask for nighttime activities I quickly headed out. Once coming up I saw that the wolf had just begun to take off before hearing the noise and returning. It came over to my side before tilting its head and whining a little. I pat its head a bit before running off towards the target house, the wolf following behind me. Even running at full speed it still took me a good half hour to reach my destination, a nice large home with around 6-7 bedrooms and a gated fence, just near the forest. After making a motion for the wolf to stay put, which he seemed to oblige and laid down while staying vigilant, I made my way around the house to one of the blind spots. From there it only took me thirty seconds to make my way around and climb up to the roof. Using my knife I was able to undo the old style latch keeping the window closed before climbing inside.

I already knew that the people living here had a pair of very loud and annoying dogs that happen to sleep with them so I have to make sure to be extra careful while sneaking around so i don't wake them and end up in a bit of a sticky situation. Making my way down from the attic i began with rooms on the opposite side of the house. Entering an office like room I made my way to the portrait hanging on the nearby wall and removed it. Why people insist on hiding safes behind portraits i'm not sure of nor do i care as it makes my life much easier. Although I hadn't been able to tell the exact combination to the safe from my vantage point when scoping out the place, I was able to get a general idea based on how far he turned his wrist when I was watching him. After several minutes of trying I finally succeeded in opening it to find a few thousand dollars in cash and what appeared to be ledgers of some sort. 

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