The Accidental Fall 🍁 Chapter Seven

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"I'll drive them home, you can take Nate's car and maybe drop it in the morning." I say looking at the two idiots passed out in the back of Sage's car.

"Aye aye captain." He salutes before getting in the the car and starting the ignition.

He didn't even say goodbye. Smh.


Have you ever had the feeling that you're oversleeping because your alarm hasn't gone off yet or you haven't been woken up, but you don't do anything cause you wanna see how it plays out.

I've been expecting Nate to get me out of bed for about 30 mins now, but I'm guessing they aren't awake yet. So this means I have to wake them up.

Payback's a bitch.

I tip toe to their room slowly, with a little blow horn that I got for my last birthday.

Hmm, I guess it does come in handy.

I tug on the edge of blanket pulling it off of them and quickly blow the horn.

"It's t-"

I look away in disgust. "Could you put some clothes on . I did not need to see all that."

"You brought this upon yourself."

"I've been scarred for life. Get ready we're getting late."

"Don't act like you haven't seen a dick before."

Driing. Driing.

"Coming!" I yell racing down the stairs.

Who visits this early in the morning.

"Hell-oow. Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed."

"What are you doing here. Do you know what time it is?"

"What." He shrugs "You don't have to say it. I know you're excited to see me. Anyway."

He flashes car keys in my face.

Oh right the car.

He then walks past me.

"I didn't say you could come in!"

"I know." He turns with a bright smile " I didn't ask though."



"Bye babe, do you have your keys?"

"Yeah, got em'."

"Bye peep squeak." He ruffles my hair.

"Nathaniel Pius Waterson, it took me an hour to do my hair."

Sage and André erupt in laughter.

He turns to Sage. "You told her didn't you." He narrows his eyes.

"I'm sorry I forgot. Let's go we don't have all day."

"Sage. Ameera." André waves as he gets into Nate's car as they leave. He doesn't take his eyes of me until they completely back out of the driveway.

What does Ameera even mean?

I get into the car and she gives me the a look.

"Oh so you're Ameera now?" She says fastening her seatbelt.

"Don't start."

"He likes you."

"Him, like me? Yeah right." I laugh. "You've always been quite the comedian."

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