Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning

The crowd began singing along with him. "Happy birthday to you..."

"Thank you, everyone!" Dan said into his mike when they finished. "So far, this has been an amazing birthday-I'm surrounded by some of the people that care about me the most, and they happen to be amazing people. You guys are the best fans ever, and I couldn't ask for better people to celebrate with." He gave a bow after his short speech, and everyone in the band, including Amanda, went up to hug him as the audience cheered.

"Thank you, Chicago, for an amazing concert!" Brendon screamed out as we concluded the performance.

God, I hoped Fall Out Boy had finished decorating the bus. I quickly texted Pete to see if they had, and he replied that the tour bus was all set up. I breathed a sigh of relief.


"Presents!" Dan shrieked as soon as he got on the bus.

"Seriously? Nothing about my decorating skills?" Joe crossed his arms. "That too. But, presents!" He ran to the pile and grabbed the box on top. That one was from Mikey.

"Wait! You can't open them until My Chem finishes performing." Patrick yelled.

"The why did you let me see them if I can't open them?" He whined.

"Because. You just can't." I grinned.

"You guys are so unfair." He crossed his arms like a child.

"I know, right?" Brendon lightly shoved him, and he fell onto the couch.

"Hey!" He glared at Brendon.

"Dan. Stop acting like a child. I'm going to watch MCR perform; you guys are welcome to come." Pete said as he left.

"Yeah, Dan. You should go. It'll take your mind off of the presents you can't have yet." Dallon grinned.

"Fine. I'll come." Dan got off the couch and I grinned at Amanda. This was when she was going to bake the cake for him.


"Okay. You have about an hour and a half to bake the cake. Pretend it's Cake Wars or something. On your marks, get set, bake!" I helped Amanda grab all the ingredients she needed and we got to work.

"Shit. Dallon, pass me the fondant and tell me if the batter tastes good." I pulled out the spatula she had been using to mix it with and dripped some onto my finger.

"This is amazing!"

"Perfect balance of vanilla and cocoa, not too sweet but not nearly bitter? Do you think I should have gone with red velvet?" She asked worriedly.

"It's great. Plus, I don't like red velvet." I handed her the fondant and she began mixing different colors into it and shaping it. "What are you making?"

"A drum set."

"That's sick."

"As frick. Now can you please put that in the oven?" She handed me a pan, which I slid in as she began making another layer.

"How many layers is this cake gonna have?"

"I only have time for two, so two."


She continued the drum set as she hummed Love At First Sight.

"Are you seriously singing one of my songs right now?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be? I love that song." She shot me a smile as she completed the drum set.


They started heading back as I was putting the drum set on top of the cake.

"Fuck! Dallon, go distract him. Quickly! I'm almost finished." He ran outside, and I assembled the drums as quickly as I could.

I quickly texted him that I was finished, and he ran in.

"Okay. People, there's a restaurant that we're going to five minutes from here. You'll open your presents and then we'll go," I heard Brendon say. Dallon and I carefully hid the cake. We were planning on giving it to him at the restaurant after we ate, and we didn't want him to see it.

"Yay! Presents!" Dan, again, picked up the box from the top of the pile, Mikey's present. He picked up the card from the top and read it, smiling. Carefully, Dan unwrapped it. "Awe, thanks Mikey."

He set it aside and picked up the next package. He unwrapped it and pulled out a shirt. I couldn't see what it read, but he grinned. "Thanks Pete." He folded it back up and set it down next to Gerard's present, picking up the next box.

"That one's mine!" Brendon squealed like an excited puppy. We laughed.

"Calm down, Beebo. It's my birthday, not yours." He opened it to find a box full of four pairs of customized drumsticks. "But thanks, Breadbin."

He picked up the next box, Kenny's. Dan picked up a mug that read "World's Okayest Drummer." He stuck out his tongue at Kenny.

"Turn it over." He did, revealing "Just Kidding. You're The Bestest."

"I ship it!" Joe yelled.

"Shut up, Trohman." I started laughing and high-fived Joe.

Dan ended up with a couple more t-shirts, another mug, a massive container of pickles, a box of donuts, another box of donuts, and two portraits-one from me and one from Gerard.

"Aw, thanks guys," he said, smiling.

"Okay. Let's go." Gerard grabbed his arm and dragged him out.

"Where are we going?" Dan asked, bewildered.

Brendon told him the name of the restaurant.

"Cool." We followed them to the restaurant and pulled a couple of tables together so there would be space for everyone. Dallon and I snuck out of the restaurant to grab the cake, and we carefully walked around to the back of the building, giving them the cake. We instructed them as to when to take it out, etc.

We sat down at the table and picked up the menus, trying to figure out what we wanted to order.


"Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Dan, happy birthday to you!" Three waiters came out, carefully balancing the cake that Amanda had made. I gaped at it. It was a two layer cake with a fondant model of a drum set on top. She had decorated it with sprinkles, so it looked like it was covered in confetti. It was insane; I don't know how she managed it in two and a half hours.

"Amanda!" I managed to get out. "That's... incredible!"

She grinned at me with pinked cheeks, then turned to Dan. "Thanks. And I hope you like chocolate."

"Are you kidding me? Who doesn't like chocolate?" He eyed the cake nervously. "I don't want to ruin it."

She rolled her eyes. "Come on." Grabbing the knife, she was about to cut into it when Frank shrieked.

"You can't kill it until we take a picture of it!" He carefully grabbed the cake knife from Amanda and set it gently down next to the cake. I took out my phone, and we began taking pictures.


After everyone made Brendon take at least fifty pictures of the cake from each angle, and me with the cake, and Amanda with the cake, and me and Amanda with the cake, and everyone else with the cake, I was finally able to take a slice.

"Manda, I have no idea how you managed to magically create this cake in two and a half hours, but this is the best cake I have ever tasted." We all cheered as she, blushing, stood up and bowed.

"Thanks, Dan. And happy birthday."

(A/N: I'm back! And I'm sorry that this chapter isn't as good as I wanted it to be or published the day that it should have been, but hopefully you guys can get past that for once. Thank you guys so much for all your support and stuff and I really love reading all of your comments and things, so keep em coming! I love you all.


How Can I Ask For More? Adopted By Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now