Chapter Nine

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I woke up to my stupid, annoying alarm clock. I threw it on my floor as I checked the time. 6:30. First day of school. Goddammit, I hate the first day of school.

I rolled out of my bed and headed to my bathroom to shower, then take care of hair and makeup.

When I was finished with my hair and face, I dragged myself over to my closet to find something to wear.

I pulled out a random top. It ended up being a My Chemical Romance t-shirt. I threw it on and struggled for about five minutes to get into my skinny jeans, then tied on a pair of black combat boots.

As I ran down the steps, I pulled on a Panic! sweatshirt before preparing a bowl of cereal for myself. "Morning," I mumbled to Brendon, stuffing my face with food before grabbing my backpack and lunch and running outside. Dallon was waiting for me as I hopped into shotgun.

"Hey, Manda. You ready for school?" He grinned, and I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck school," I groaned.

"Language," he chided softly. "Look, I know school sucks. But you need an education. Brendon really wouldn't be happy if you ditched." He began driving.

"Oh, and Brendon wants you to keep him a secret, at least for now. So don't tell anyone about your dad or uncles, 'kay?" I nodded.

Five minutes later, we pulled up in front of the building. "Bye, kiddo." Dallon said, giving me a side hug as best as he could in the car. "Good luck!"

I took a deep breath before climbing out of the car and looking around. I headed over to the main office and stood before the front desk. The lady sitting behind it held up a finger and continued talking on the phone.

"Hello, you must be Amanda Grace." She smiled brightly at me after she hung up. I smiled slightly and nodded.

"If you give me a moment, I'll get your schedule and stuff..." She bent over and reached into one of the desk drawers, coming up with a folder that had my name on it.

"Here you go. Welcome to Palms Middle School!" I thanked her before leaving the office and attempting to find my first class. I was so focused that I banged into someone.

"I'm so sorry. I'm new here." I tried to apologize to the girl.

She shook her head. "Nah, it's fine. Do you need help?" I nodded.

"What do you have now?" I looked at my schedule.

"I have math with Mrs. Elliot." The girl brightened.

"Me, too! What's your name?"

"Amanda Grace. What's yours?"

"Rose Bishop. Nice shirt." She said nodding toward my MCR top.

"Thanks. I like yours, too." She was wearing a Panic! At The Disco shirt.

She grinned before leading me to the classroom.

It was only my first day of school, and I already had a friend. I was doing pretty well, I had to admit.

How Can I Ask For More? Adopted By Brendon UrieOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant